I never understood why people hated his acting so much. In honesty,I felt he no worse or better than Mark Hamill in the original Trilogy, I mean c'mon, the "but I was going to Toschi Station to pick up some power convertors" lien any one? The way he whinned to Obi-Wan when he made excuses for why he didn't want to go with him to Alderaan. Granted he did an amazing job in Empire opposite Yoda, and all he had with him was a Muppet so I can give him that. ( plus has any one scene Hamill's episode of the Muppet show.)
But in terms of character development, Luke had a much hardere conflict to deal with in terms of the Galactic Civil War versus the clone Wars, as the whole point of the Jedi Order was to help stop conflictc before they started, and there was no such thing in Luke's time. Plus Luke always had Han knocking his ego down to size. It's hard to be egotistical when you got Han Solo in the room.
I think the thing to remember about Luke versus Anakin is this, that Luke is basically everying Anakin should have been able to become had he not fallen.
Actually when I watch all six movies now, I can't help but stand up and cheer when Luke refuses to kill Vader and says to Palpatine, " You are wrong your highness, I am a Jedi, like my father before me" and tosses his lightsaber aside
becasue he was able to do the very thing his father couldn't. It also makes vader's sacrifice in the end more meaningful when you see Vader looking from the son who loves him to the master who manipulated him and choosing his son over his master. It's actually one of the many thigns I do love about the prequals is the levels of layers and depth it adds to the original trilogy, especailly with characters like Vader, Obi-Wan and Yoda.
Also keep in mind Anakin had Palpatine behind the scenes manipulatign him and telling him all the lies he could to decive him, and he chose to willingly listn to him as opposed to Obi-Wan, Yoda or even his wife Padme. Honestly when Padme told him to speak to Palpatine and he said, "you are asking me to betray some one who has been my friend and mentor and looked out for me since ever since I first came here," my first thought was , " and what is Obi-Wan, chopped bantha podoo?".
I realized, he just prefered listening to Palpy as Palpy told him what he wanted to hear, not what he needed to hear, like Obi-Wan, Padme or Yoda did. That of coruse is the mark of a true friend, they tell you things you need to hear even if you don't necissarily want it, but it is only because they love you. Obi-Wan, Yoda and Padme honestly loved Anakin, not just as a friend but as his little brother, and wanted ony what was in his best interest so he would fullfill his destiny as the Chosen One, so he had to hold him back. Palpy just wanted Anakin for himself as he wanted him for his apprentice to help rule the galaxy. Actally in some ways the Palpatine/ Anakin story is not that dissimilar from that of Iago and Othello, (who ironically James Earl Jones played on stage more than once.)