Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

Which is your favorite?

  • Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Clone Wars Animated

  • Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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One of my brother's friends from chess club has a Star Wars chess set. I think it's like this:

The Light Side
King: Yoda
Queen: Obi-Wan
Bishops: Leia & Qui-Gon
Rooks: Padme & Threepio/Artoo
Knights: Han Solo & Chewbacca
Pawns: Clone troopers

The Dark Side
King: Palpatine
Queen: Darth Vader
Bishops: Grievous & Count Dooku
Rooks: Darth Maul & someone else I can't remember at the moment...
Knights: Can't remember, either:o
Pawns: Storm troopers

Anyway, it's interesting.
Welcome, Ivanhoe, I didn't see you post before. I love Yoda's dueling! He is so awesome, and so spry! :)

What are those little bear thingies, ewoks? So cute.
I took a Star Wars personality test once, too. I came out first as R2D2 and then as Obi-Wan. I could post the link, but I don't know how.:o


OK, I figured it out. But I don't know if I should put the link because this website with the quiz has some annoying ads...
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RE: Clone Wars TV Series

I've watched a little bit of the Star Wars Clone Wars TV Series. I must say aside from it being childish, I can't stand Anakin. I now see why The Jedi Council didn't want him to be trained.. it wasn't just because they had premontions of the darkness that hung over him, it was because he's a big baby! I watched an episode were Obi-wan and Anakin encounter a young boy who reprograms driods, the boy was more mature!

I saw a few episodes of the Clone Wars TV Show, and it was ok. But the one I really like are the 5 minute episodes they put on the cartoon channel, then put on two DVDs. I only had the first part, but at least Anakin's character wasn't so whiney in it.
I'm old school. I love all the old Star Wars's!
The newer ones were a bit ruined by all the mopeyness of Anakin, but I love those too just because they are Star Wars..ya know?

How old was everyone when they first saw the movies? :D
Thirteen when I saw the original trilogy, because my younger brother's friend brought them over for him to watch and my sister and I "proof-watched" them first.:p (With the result that certain parts in Episode VI had to be skipped.;)) I saw the prequels a year later.
I just watched the Original Trilogy in one sitting a couple weeks ago. I also broke out my lightsaber and attempted rekindle my skills once more. :)