Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

Which is your favorite?

  • Episode IV: A New Hope

  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

  • Episode I: The Phantom Menace

  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones

  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Clone Wars Animated

  • Episode VII: The Force Awakens

  • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

  • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

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I bet they were stolen by the Sith Lords! :eek:
Darth Maul!!!

He was on TV the other night; he's a cool villain. I don't like his killing Qui Gon though. He was a good hero. That's also the one with baby Anakin, whom I like, and Jar Jar, whom I dislike.
Darth Maul!!!

He was on TV the other night; he's a cool villain. I don't like his killing Qui Gon though. He was a good hero. That's also the one with baby Anakin, whom I like, and Jar Jar, whom I dislike.

Not Darth Maul! He mugged me once in a mall! :(

Darth Maul was a fantastic villan, the best since Darth Vader (actually Darth Maul maybe the best now, since Hyden positively ruined Vader in the Prequels). Qui Gon's death was tragic, I would have prefered that Maul had slayed Jar Jar instead. :D
Not Darth Maul! He mugged me once in a mall! :(

Darth Maul was a fantastic villan, the best since Darth Vader (actually Darth Maul maybe the best now, since Hyden positively ruined Vader in the Prequels). Qui Gon's death was tragic, I would have prefered that Maul had slayed Jar Jar instead. :D
I am laughing out loud at the idea of Darth Maul slaying Jar Jar! That would have been infinitely better than Qui Gon. I adore Darth Maul, but my best SW villain is General Grievous. I dig his many arms and swords.
I am laughing out loud at the idea of Darth Maul slaying Jar Jar! That would have been infinitely better than Qui Gon. I adore Darth Maul, but my best SW villain is General Grievous. I dig his many arms and swords.

Maybe we should find some talented photoshop artists who can buff out Qui Gon being stabbed by Darth Maul and replace him with Jar Jar. XD

General Grievous was a very intriguing villan. Have you seen the Animated Star Wars Series? Not the recent one, but the older one that looked more like Anime. General Grievous is in Season 2 and he is bombad! He slays Jedi like flies and you find out why he has a cough in Revenge of the Sith. :)
Maybe we should find some talented photoshop artists who can buff out Qui Gon being stabbed by Darth Maul and replace him with Jar Jar. XD

General Grievous was a very intriguing villan. Have you seen the Animated Star Wars Series? Not the recent one, but the older one that looked more like Anime. General Grievous is in Season 2 and he is bombad! He slays Jedi like flies and you find out why he has a cough in Revenge of the Sith. :)
¿Quien es mas macho, Darth Maul o Jar Jar Binks?
I think we know the answer ... Jar Jar skewered by Darth Mauls' double-ended light saber.

Yes, someone told me about General Grievous' weird anatomy and cough. The cough was so intriguing in the film -- a robot with a cough! He is totally awesome with all those arms and light sabers. Love him.
¿Quien es mas macho, Darth Maul o Jar Jar Binks?
I think we know the answer ... Jar Jar skewered by Darth Mauls' double-ended light saber.

Yes, someone told me about General Grievous' weird anatomy and cough. The cough was so intriguing in the film -- a robot with a cough! He is totally awesome with all those arms and light sabers. Love him.

Muhahahaha! The End of Jar Jar! :D

Did they tell you it twas Mace Windu that crush Grievous' heart with the Force envoking his cough and making him thus weaker in ROTS?
I don't get why everyone hates Jar-Jar with a passion. Honestly, he wasnt that annoying :p

JarJar was extremely annoying. The only good thing he did was taking the jedi to his planet but besides that he was such an annoying character.

Yep. He was annoying, and he was a brand-new character who took over the whole movie. It might as well have been The Muppets go to Star Wars for Amazing Adventures with Jar Jar.

Sir Godfrey said:
Did they tell you it twas Mace Windu that crush Grievous' heart with the Force envoking his cough and making him thus weaker in ROTS?
Yes! Mace Windu and his amazing techni-color purple light saber. He was mucho macho himself.
Yep. He was annoying, and he was a brand-new character who took over the whole movie. It might as well have been The Muppets go to Star Wars for Amazing Adventures with Jar Jar.

Yes! Mace Windu and his amazing techni-color purple light saber. He was mucho macho himself.

I think there was a children's book titled the Amazing Adventures of Jar Jar. :rolleyes:
I think it was "Jar Jar's Journey". Or something like that.:rolleyes:

Jar Jar was annoying because he wasn't funny, and being funny was clearly the reason they stuck him in at all. So since he failed at that, it just seemed like he was there trying to be funny and coming off as embarrassing. If that makes any sense.:p
I think it was "Jar Jar's Journey". Or something like that.:rolleyes:

Jar Jar was annoying because he wasn't funny, and being funny was clearly the reason they stuck him in at all. So since he failed at that, it just seemed like he was there trying to be funny and coming off as embarrassing. If that makes any sense.:p

Jar Jar turned The Phantom Menace into The Phantom Muppet. Only with the absence of humor. :(
How wude!

Yes, you've got it exactly right: he was supposed to be funny, but he wasn't, so he was just embarrassing. Just like a human who tries too hard to be funny ends up just embarrassing himself and those around him. Plus there was just too much of him. He was a nobody and he appeared in every scene!
revenge of the sith...we actually get to see obi wan and yoda push through a whole army of clones, need i say more?

also, episode I, just because of qui gon