That's the spirit, Chief! Thatz what I sez! Nobody can put things clear-like better than our Chief! We be Duffers--the real Duffers. This is our place, and we be thumpin' about, armed with plenty a spears and arrahs and we can't be seen, see? And why? Because we're invisible! We got tired of being seeable, see, and we went back the way we were, because we wanted it that way. And since that spell was said, it won't work no more. And why not? Because it can't. So here we are, and no one can do anything about it.
So if you are ready to be a real Duffer, join us here. We got ways of uglifying you right proper, whatever you were 'afore, and makin' you un-visible.
elashia_swan said:Sure Do Cuz I Am Sayin It To Your Face!! And I'm A Pirate Now Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
Dernhelm said:Hee-hee! I love it!
I have a faint suspicion that HB...or perhaps Chakal (ect.) is the one doing this. Or at least one person...whether or not they were here before. But if I'm wrong (or even if I'm not!) ...Congratulations, you guys! Great job!
Go here to join the offical Duffers.If you like.
Keep it up, Chief! Keep it up!
Dufflepud* said:Hear her, hear her! She's a lady that like talks sense! Join the Duffers, aye--the only right thing. And why? Because it makes the most sense! Your ladyshipness is of the finest coortliness, and we do appreciate it. Chief, Chief! This one is a gem, I tell ye, smart and gentle, not to put too fine a point on it, to state the case mildy, if you follow my meaning, m'ladyshipness.
Dufflepud* said:This here's the first thing we said, and we made things clearer than clear for you big folks about the way things was. And why? Because we wanted you to get it. Now get ye from our thread! The Chief's powerful cantakerous 'bout c'mmotions!
Lookintoforever said:talking about making yourselves Un-visible....only the magician could do that..he and actaully it is impossible for you do have done that to yourselves.