Hmmm. I'm not very good at Ping-pong.
I'm going to pretend I am...
Ooo! I got it! We'll use the tomato cannon to shoot the ping-pong balls back!
Soon pies and other unconventional missiles are flying across the tabletop nets.
Our pies fly farther! The cram crust gives them momentum!
.....whats your point? at least its funny.
Isn't it the point of this war TO be funny?
Just be glad that we Dwarves never shave; otherwise, the pies might be filled with soapy shaving cream!
Just be glad that we Dwarves never shave; otherwise, the pies might be filled with soapy shaving cream!
*makes pies. On impulse,throws in some shaving cream*
It's worth a try...
*throws pie at Copperfox*
Oh no! Shaving cream! Don't anyone DARE come near me with a razor till I get this foamy stuff washed out of my whiskers! (I guess that means I have to take a BATH...)
Grrrr!You've just sealed your fate,Dwarf!No you don't! *dumps giant bucket of water*
I was going to dump that on the elves, but I had a feeling they might just like it Elves