war of the dwarves and elves!

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Some Dwarves bring up three ping-pong tables, with balls and paddles, so that some pretense of combat can be continued while computers are being de-evilized.
Ah, but our head hair is as thick as our beards, so we scarcely even notice the tomatoes landing up there.
Just be glad that we Dwarves never shave; otherwise, the pies might be filled with soapy shaving cream!
*makes pies. On impulse,throws in some shaving cream*
It's worth a try...:D
*throws pie at Copperfox*

Oh no! Shaving cream! Don't anyone DARE come near me with a razor till I get this foamy stuff washed out of my whiskers! (I guess that means I have to take a BATH...)
Oh no! Shaving cream! Don't anyone DARE come near me with a razor till I get this foamy stuff washed out of my whiskers! (I guess that means I have to take a BATH...)

No you don't! *dumps giant bucket of water*

I was going to dump that on the elves, but I had a feeling they might just like it :rolleyes: Elves :rolleyes:
If I can understand that as having washed away the shaving cream, I thank you and my beard thanks you!
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