Wimps. I will spare you out of my benevolent mercy.
Me: WIMPS?!I'll give you WIMPS,you stumpy Telemarketer-Telmarine!

Maugrim: No one calls US wimps! Prepare to be exterminated!
Zorro: With Twinkies! *holds up Twinkie*
Me & Maugrim: *exasperated voices* ZORRO!
Zorro: What?! You got a better idea?
Maugrim: All right you punk,into the ranks!And hide those Twinkies!
Zorro: *eats Twinkies* All gone!
Maugrim: Tell me, if Nature is governed by the survival of the fittest...HOW COME YOU'RE STILL HERE?!
Zorro: Just lucky,I guess.

Maugrim: *mutters* Hopeless.
Me: All right!Splatter the Telmarine with Nickolodeon-green slime!
*loads of slime catapult at Sopespian and the Dwarves*
Me: Bull's-Eye! Mau,more of that!NOW!
Maugrim: *panting* I'm trying I'm trying!You know it's not easy loading this stuff!
Me: *helps Maugrim load slime* JUNIOR!FIRE AWAY!
Zorro: TIIIIMMMMBBBEEEERRRRR! *cuts rope* *slime flies and splatters the enemies*
Me: You're supposed to say that when something like a tree falls,not when we're catapulting slime.