Write a note to the person above you II

Dear Artemnis,

There are a couple different ways. 1. Thor's hair isn't as greasy as his wife's. 2. Thor's hair is longer than his wife's. 3. Thor's wife bleaches her hair, so whichever one you catch with hair dye is her.

All very simple.


So THAT'S where my hair dye went...


p.s. I'm highly amused that Mike and I ended up with the wrong gender and as twins
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Dear Apollo,

That is highly amusing. I hope you're not mad that I read your correspondence with Loki. Could you be amused about that as well? That would be just great.

Bibbidy bobbidy boo,
Dear Circe,

My closing was specially tailored to the addressee; you have no right to critique it in any way. That being said, I'm super mad at you for prying into my private correspondence.

Κρατήστε μυτερά μύτη σας έξω από τις επιχειρήσεις των άλλων ανθρώπων,
Dear Freckceptional,

I have no idea what you're saying. It's all Greek to me. And just because I'm a Greek goddess doesn't mean I speak their language. I speak English, the language of the Gods.

Dear Artemis,

Haven't you ever heard of Google Translate? It's magic for the unlearned. Not that I am unlearned, of course.

Freckles, there is nothing wrong with my nose. You have a poor grasp of my abilities.

Πολυαγαπημένοι Λόκι,

Φυσικά, έχω ακούσει για αυτό. Ήμουν απλά πολύ τεμπέλης για να το χρησιμοποιήσετε.

Αγάπη, Άρτεμις
Dear Artemis,

Pray, who are those English gods whose language you claim to speak?

I advise against using Google Translator. It may be magic, but there is a Deeper Magic: learning a language from scratch. It even has the power to turn your hair grey!

Dear Loki,

I'll take it. Better to be a wimp than helpless in China. Even if (as I imagine you would point out) I tried to get information at the tip of a sword, if I don't know my Chinese, no rice. Sorry, I meant dice. Maybe neither.

Dear GG,

Who cares about being unemployed? I'm unemployed. I've always been unemployed. It works out. I still can cut Sif's hair off.

Dear Loki,

Unemployment is worse for GG than for others because she fears 2 Thessalonians 3:11 "if any would not work, neither should he eat." She actually stresses a lot over keeping her job, the stress makes her eat absolutely everything in the staff canteen, her boss calls her to order, she stresses over keeping her job, and thus the vicious circle goes on. The poor thing.

Dear Freckles,

You're just making me happy I don't have a job. I like apples, but I don't have to pay for those.

Dear GG,

I celebrated by working on my 20-page literature review paper about Jewish synagogues in America. The first draft is done. And now my post count is different, and Freckles will be depressed.
