Tumnus’ Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews: The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

Hey, everybody! Welcome back to Tumnus’ Bookshelf, where we review any and all books written by, about, and inspired by CS Lewis, The Land of Narnia, and The Inklings. For today’s review, we will be […]

Narnia Homeschool Curriculum
Narnia Books

Narnia Homeschool Curriculum

We recently found this curriculum for homeschooling that is based on the seven books in the Chronicles of Narnia. With the global pandemic continuing, there are a lot more people who are starting or continuing […]


Through A New Wardrobe: The NarniaFans Interview Series: Journey to The House of Envy with Jennifer K. Johnson

Hey, everybody! Welcome back to “Through a New Wardrobe”, where we sit down and chat with some of today’s hottest writers who have been influenced by CS Lewis and the Land of Narnia.  For today’s interview […]