Pirates II -- Come on, Be A Pirate (Please do not delete)

ooc: Wow, it seems that everyone kind of took a vactation from the thread for a bit. Well, I had a great time at Disney World, and saw a couple cool pirates and talked with Machia about storming the castle. ;) So now I'm back.

ic: Twilight held something in her hand. It was a simple scrap of wood, such as could be found anywhere on the ship, but to her this was different. Using one of her small knives that she had hidden about her she had worked on this piece of wood for a week or so, carving it and shaping it until it became what it was today. She held it up and blew on it, shaving off a few extra pieces. It was a cup in the shape of an apple. It was simple, but the apple was in the slightly different shape of a Narnian apple, Machia's favorite food.

"Arrr, happy birthday to ye Machia, wherever ye are. I promise I'll get yer present to ye... Soon." Twilight held up the cup in a silent toast, then thrust it into one of her pockets and went to help with the sailing of the ship. They were heading towards an island that might very well be thier last hope of finding Narnia and thier vanished pirate friends.

"Ahoy there, Emmy!
What be yer brilliant idear? We could use one at the rate we're travelin now..." Twilight enquired, walking up to Emmy and trying to conceal her present for Machia in her pocket. "All we need to do is get back to Narnia and give the wizard and whoever else stands against us what fer."

ooc: I think right now we're heading for the island that the Calormenes got to Narnia from in Prince Caspian? At least I thought that would be a possible way for the pirates to get back to Narnia. Join in when ye can.

ooc: Happy Birthday Machia!
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Kirs look at everyone pulling her hair back while walking on the rail of the ship. She didn't have anything else to do any ways while she was walking she spoted someone talking to another pirate She still kept walking on.
"Arr what ye doing today?," She ask Twilight.
Azgar was in his cabin, poring over old maps and manuscripts for any hint of a way to get to Narnia. Finally he went to see Aravis. "As far as I can see," he said, "there are two basic ways to get to Narnia. One is by the actual use of magic, such as the rings, the other is to find a doorway, a crack between the worlds. The number of doorways from our world to Narnia is very low, only a few still exist. However, I think our best bet may be here." He indicated a spot on the map (ooc: I'm assuming we're in the Caribbean here) on the other side of the Atlantic. "This is the island from which the Telmarines originally entered Narnia - possibly we could still get through there."
"All right," Aravis replied, "but how did you get to know so much about Narnian history? You haven't ever been to Narnia, have you?"
Azgar looked slightly embarassed. "No," he admitted, "but I spent the last few days talking to the crew about Narnia and its history, so I know quite a bit now."
Aravis raised an eyebrow, but made no comment.
James Norrington stood just outside Azgar's cabin door a small loaf of stale bread in his hand... He was listening to the conversation within, a scowl on his face... He shook his less then well kept out of his eyes and took a bit from the bread but a moment later spat it out onto the deck, coughing... "Ugh, this food is revolting!" despite the fact that they still hadn't managed to land anywhere to restock, somehow Norrington still expected the food quality to remain at it's best... But obviously, he was set to complain at every meal served aboard the ship...

Suddenly Norrington realized what Aravis and Azgar were talking about... Pressing his ear closer to the door frame her heard:

"No," he heard Azgar say, "but I spent the last few days talking to the crew about Narnia and its history, so I know quite a bit now."

Narnia? What was a Narnia? Norrington knit his brows and pushed the door open. He hooked a finger in his weapons' belt and addressed the Captain and Azgar...

"Excuse me..." he said, putting as much rudeness as he could into the polite expression... "But I've just heard you talking about a "Narnia". What is this... thing? Does it have something to do with your unatural, and ghastly abilities and accents? I have chased pirates all across the globe and no pirate I have run across sounds or acts anything like you. I demand an explanation."
Azgar looked up mildly. "Explanation? Why, certainly." He motioned Norrington to sit in an unoccupied chair. Norrington sat. "You see," Azgar began, "Our first mate and our carpenter have been captured by the evil Wizard, Saruman, and somehow Saruman has managed to get into Narnia with them. Narnia is another world, slightly connected to ours - and people occasionally cross between the worlds, usually by accident. Apparently Narnia is under the rule of Saruman now, so we are trying to get back to Narnia so we can free our crewmates and the people of Narnia."
Norrington sat still for several moments after Azgar had finished speaking, trying to understand this.
Azgar looked up mildly. "Explanation? Why, certainly." He motioned Norrington to sit in an unoccupied chair. Norrington sat. "You see," Azgar began, "Our first mate and our carpenter have been captured by the evil Wizard, Saruman, and somehow Saruman has managed to get into Narnia with them. Narnia is another world, slightly connected to ours - and people occasionally cross between the worlds, usually by accident. Apparently Narnia is under the rule of Saruman now, so we are trying to get back to Narnia so we can free our crewmates and the people of Narnia."
Norrington sat still for several moments after Azgar had finished speaking, trying to understand this.

Finally Norrington spoke... "And if such a place exists, which for this conversation I will have to pretend that it does, and if Saruman has just disappeared into it," Norrington said, "Why would we be trying to get to it now?" Why not sail for a somewhat isolated island on this world. And then wait a few years, when in all likelyhood, Saruman will either have died or been overthrown. After all, only one ship has disappeared from his fleet and he can't maintain control of an entire world with one ship and crew." Norrington sat back in his chair, staring at his laced fingers..

"Sadly I don't think there is any hope for your former First Mate and Carpenter..." he said in a matter-of-fact tone... "They were likely killed the very day they were taken aboard the ship. Or else transfered to another ship and have already been tried and hung in England. In any case, they can't have lived very long once under Saruman's control." Norrington looked up at Azgar and Aravis...

"Unfortunate for your noble companions and very sad for us, yes, but we must move on. We cannot throw ourselves and our ship into danger in an attempt to "rescue" two people who are almost certainly already dead. And it would be foolish to have any thought of revenge, given the state of the Dauntless." As if to prove his point, the water from a wave hit the ship and poured through a large crack in Azgar's cabin wall... "My advice to you is simply what I stated before. We must make of another port where we can rest, wait and build a new ship. And another First Mate must be assigned immediately. And may I also add, that I have had many years of experience commanding ships." he added with a smile playing across his face...
Azgar made no comment, but turned to Aravis.
"You may be right," she told Norrington. "Nonetheless we must at least try to find our companions. Besides, Saruman's resources are great, even with only one ship. I am sure he could find a way to take over Narnia - no doubt he would subvert some dissatisfied element of society, then use them as allies.
"Currently we are sailing for an island on which there was once a doorway between the worlds. We are hoping it still exists. We will pass today between Bermuda - a Crown territory, I believe - and this peninsula of America today."

ooc: I was kinda thinking that we'd get caught up in a storm in the Bermuda Triangle and find ourselves in Narnia when it calmed down.
ooc: OK, my idea has something to do with the magic that is floating around at Christmas, and somehow we absorb that magic and somehow get back to Narnia.... it's not much of a plan, but that's all I could come up with....

ic: Emmy picked up an apple that was about to roll off the deck, "Aye, Machia had better be getting back ter here befer we drown in apples!" she took a bite, and heard him yelling at her like her was actually there.
ic: Emmy picked up an apple that was about to roll off the deck, "Aye, Machia had better be getting back ter here befer we drown in apples!" she took a bite, and heard him yelling at her like her was actually there.

"Unlikely" Norrington said dryly, "First all the apples will go bad..." His lip curled, "And then we'll run out of all other rations and we end up eating all the spoiled apples, because you're all too stubborn to listen to my reasonable advice and turn this ship to another port! As it is your Captain has sentenced us to starvation, by continuing this pointless search for your dead crew members!"
She rolled her eyes.
" Arr Tom what do I look to ya a first mate?," She ask.

Betancourt nimbly and swiftly descended from the crow's nest, landing on the deck with a soft thud. "Ye know," he said, "Ye all have a lot to learn 'bout being pirates." He turned to Tom. "First, ye rank the same as Kris. She no more has to follow yer orders as Aravis has to follow Saruman's orders." He turned to Kris. "And, ye, little miss, it's because ye don't look like a first mate that yer bein' told to swab the deck... Now let's see... Machia was -er, is- yer first mate, right? How often do ye see him swabbin' the deck?" Betancourt smiled and handed Tom the mop. "Now, go swab the deck."

"Yes, that's all lovely," Norrington spoke up, "but can we get back to the problem at hand?"

Betancourt turned to face him. "Arr...don't ye worry, mate, I'm gittin' there. Jest be patient... Now, let me explain to ye somethin' called 'inductive reasonin'. Cap'n, how many time have yer mates - Fish and Machia or others - been captured?"

Aravis laughed. "Oh, at least half a dozen, and that's jest Fish 'n Machia..."

Betancourt was still smiling, "And tell me, of those six or so captures, how many times have ye flat out abandoned them?"

Aravis looked straight at Norrington. "Never."

"So logically," Betancourt said to Norrington, "they're not about to start." For the first time, the smile left his face. He drew his cutlass and held it within inches of Norrington's face. "So I suggest ye drop the matter, or we'll drop ye off the side o' the ship. Savvy?"
Betancourt nimbly and swiftly descended from the crow's nest, landing on the deck with a soft thud. "Ye know," he said, "Ye all have a lot to learn 'bout being pirates." He turned to Tom. "First, ye rank the same as Kris. She no more has to follow yer orders as Aravis has to follow Saruman's orders." He turned to Kris. "And, ye, little miss, it's because ye don't look like a first mate that yer bein' told to swab the deck... Now let's see... Machia was -er, is- yer first mate, right? How often do ye see him swabbin' the deck?" Betancourt smiled and handed Tom the mop. "Now, go swab the deck."

"Yes, that's all lovely," Norrington spoke up, "but can we get back to the problem at hand?"

Betancourt turned to face him. "Arr...don't ye worry, mate, I'm gittin' there. Jest be patient... Now, let me explain to ye somethin' called 'inductive reasonin'. Cap'n, how many time have yer mates - Fish and Machia or others - been captured?"

Aravis laughed. "Oh, at least half a dozen, and that's jest Fish 'n Machia..."

Betancourt was still smiling, "And tell me, of those six or so captures, how many times have ye flat out abandoned them?"

Aravis looked straight at Norrington. "Never."

"So logically," Betancourt said to Norrington, "they're not about to start." For the first time, the smile left his face. He drew his cutlass and held it within inches of Norrington's face. "So I suggest ye drop the matter, or we'll drop ye off the side o' the ship. Savvy?"

Norrington held up his hands in defense and backed slowly away from Betancourt, "Alright, alright!" he said through clenched teeth, "I'll drop it! There's no need to fight over this. If you all want to go on a wild goose chase in a half-sunk ship, it is entirely your decision. And since this is your ship, I have no choice but to go with you. And I'll do anything you need me to as always." He paused and brushed off his jacket...

"However if it is still allowed for crew members to make suggestions without being tossed overboard," He began again, "Might I suggest in our pursuit of Saruman and your crew members, that we plot a course that will take us near a port of some kind." he stared around the deck, taking in all the damage done to the ship... "There you would have an opportunity to do what you pirates do best and commander a new ship and supplies for yourselves. That way, we won't sink or starve in the middle of the ocean, and whenever we catch up to Saruman again, he won't recognize us without the Dauntless..."
Norrington held up his hands in defense and backed slowly away from Betancourt, "Alright, alright!" he said through clenched teeth, "I'll drop it! There's no need to fight over this. If you all want to go on a wild goose chase in a half-sunk ship, it is entirely your decision. And since this is your ship, I have no choice but to go with you. And I'll do anything you need me to as always." He paused and brushed off his jacket...
Betancourt raised his eyebrows, but otherwise ignored it. He resheathed his sword, and resumed his light-hearted demeanor.

"However if it is still allowed for crew members to make suggestions without being tossed overboard," He began again, "Might I suggest in our pursuit of Saruman and your crew members, that we plot a course that will take us near a port of some kind." he stared around the deck, taking in all the damage done to the ship... "There you would have an opportunity to do what you pirates do best and commander a new ship and supplies for yourselves. That way, we won't sink or starve in the middle of the ocean, and whenever we catch up to Saruman again, he won't recognize us without the Dauntless..."

"Now, that's more helpful. Aravis," said Betancourt, turning to the Captain, "He be right. This Saruman will probably think to look fer a ship other than the Dauntless, but we're still better off on a different ship..."