Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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The above with Brendan would of course be before parting; so Alipang says, "Yeah, and they _aren't_ answering about what all their sons are doing now"--before he rejoins Chilena and holds her to put her at ease.

"Yeah, well keep me posted bud. and if there's anything you need me to do, don't hesitate to ask. I think I'll leave you guys to your families, I shouldn't be intruding. I'm gonna head over to Mr. [Insert name of navy seal whose name has escaped my memory]. I'll have my phone if you need me". He patted Alipang on the back, and stepped down onto the sidewalk.
She still having her head on his chest " How do you know if they are the real thing?," she asked, with a frown.

Mike notes her frown " All you all right Eliz I mean Chilena?," he asked.
Cecilia, aware that Alipang was using Tagalog to speak with Chilena, filled in by saying, "Mike, you should know that Elizabeth has had a lot on her plate this first week of school, including her new boyfriend whom we think is a fine boy..."

Alipang said further to Chilena, "There are ways to find out things, honey, and we will." Then he kissed her hair once more, for old times' sake.
OOC to Nightfire: The Jakekens, Chilena's birth parents, have turned up very suddenly. They seem to be more prosperous than at the time they gave Chilena/Elizabeth up for adoption to the Havens; but they are not explaining themselves nearly enough to satisfy the Havens, especially Alipang. In fairness to Jack and Kathleen Jakakens, they have to wait for GentleVoice to make up their history as she goes along--which she is doing pretty well.

Since Chilena had been going to visit Dan today, and hasn't, you have a good excuse as Dan to telephone her. And as Jen you can ask Brendan by phone about his just-finished visit to Alipang.
Mike frown " Really oh, I'm sorry sis I didn't know," he told her, with a sigh.

Chilena didn't look at Mike " All right but I need to go see Dan right now can you find out more about them for me please?," she asked.

Mrs. Jakekens got up with a smile " We better be going now to see if the others are at the house I'm sorry your other brothers didn't want to see you," she told her, kissing her on the cheek.

Mr. Jakeken nodded " Yes, we shall I want to see you tomorrow Chilena I got you something that you would like I couldn't bring it here because it's to big for me to carry," he told her, giving her their new address.
ooc: thanks, copperfox.


Jen pulled out her cell phone and called Brendan.


Dan pulled out his cell and texted Chilena to see how everything was doing.
She text back:

I'm doing all right waiting for my birth family to leave yes, I said my birth family they came to town to see me :[
And Eric said to the Jakekens, "The easiest way to see us tomorrow would be to come to our church: Redemption Free Church on Meriwether Street. Services are at ten a.m."

Leaning to kiss Chilena had placed Kathleen Jakekens close to Alipang; and he looked her over carefully, seeing that she was wearing what looked to him like fairly costly jewelry, though he was no expert in that field.

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" All right we be glad to come," Jack to them, with a smile " See you tomorrow Elizabeth," he told her, giving her hug.

" AH, bye Jack," she told him, getting up from Al's lap " Mum papa may I go see Dan?," she asked.
Eric Havens okayed his daughter driving to visit Dan; Cecilia reminded her of the soup she had been going to take. Alipang, as soon as the coast was clear, dialed Brendan's phone; finding it busy, he left a voicemail to give Brendan an idea how things had gone after Brendan's visit.
She kissed Al on the cheek before she left " Thanks for being there when I needed you," she told him, then walking out side to her car.
After Chilena had gone, and after the attempt to call Brendan, Alipang conferred with his father. Both of them were suspicious of the Jakekens' evasiveness; but Eric reminded his son of "innocent until proven guilty." Eric declared his intention of checking the nursing home--that is, to confirm that Mrs. Jakekens really did have a job there.

"Then can you drive me to the Pansit?" asked Alipang. "I still want to sit in on the volunteers' luncheon. And I didn't have a chance to tell you: Kim saw me on the street an hour or two ago, and she REALLY APOLOGIZED for bad-mouthing me! So it won't be any discomfort for me now being around her....well, besides the discomfort of NOT so far having her beg me to be her boyfriend." ;)
Stopping by Mr. Kramer's, he filled him in with the news from over at the Havens'. He also deposited the snapshot of the license, so that Mr. Kramer may take the necessary measures to doing a background check on this parents of Chilena's.

Erin Conrad mentally checked off the list of what she had to get from the pet store: she had already gotten the frozen mice for her rosy boa, Sky, and her hamster needed a new exercise wheel. After selecting a sturdy looking exercise wheel, she made her purchases and quickly walked the direction where her truck was parked. Boy, Sky would sure love those frozen mice! she wasn't looking where she was going and then before she knew it she ran smack into someone going the opposite way and frozen mice burst from the shopping bag and scattered everywhere. They both muttered apologies, and awkwardly she and the guy bent to gather frozen mice from the sidewalk. Suddenly she recognized him as someone who went to her high school.
On the assumption you mean this to be Alipang-- :)

The Pansit Paradise was located at one end of a strip mall which included the pet-supply store Erin went to. Alipang might have seen her coming if he hadn't been trying one more time to reach Brendan. As it was, his gasp of anguish at the shock to his ribcage was lost beneath the girl's yelp of startlement. Clenching his teeth against the grinding pain, he said, "Hi....were you....going to the....picnic volunteers' lunch?"
yes i was referring to him :)

she quickly put away the rest of the frozen mice away into the bag. "yes I was, actually, but first I was going to make a quick trip home to get my rosy boa, Sky. You see, I'm doing a little demonstration for the kids, you know, show them how cool snakes are... wait a second, you look like our little collision hurt you way more than it hurt me! are you alright?" as she looked into his eyes with genuine concern.
"Not your...fault," he gritted. "I have a...broken rib, left side....Was in Shilohsville...night before last." He breathed as deeply as his ribcage would let him, then spoke more normally. "My name's Alipang Havens. My adoptive sisters and I are the kids of Smoky Lake's leading dentist; and when I don't have any fractures, I work part-time as a waiter at the Pansit Paradise right there."
Chilena was in the drive way of Dan's house she pulled out her side kick to text her brother:

Al Are we still on for to night?
Erin flashed him a bright smile "nice to meet you, Alipang, my name's Erin Conrad. I'm a veterinary assistant at the local vet. you have probably already guessed that I absolutely love animals. Don't we go to the same high school? I think I pass you in the hallway between the 1st and 2nd periods."
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