My Chemical Romance Fan Club

I did watch the famous last words video (not on TRL, on the MCR website) review: first off you think, ok maybe gerard has gone nuts, and is this another band just playing video? not again...then it digresses and becomes, a little more exciting, and not so just another band video, basically slightly emotionally rattling when the video continues...I can't really explain it, but there is something oddly powerful, but said silently if you know what I's hard to explain, something kind of effects you, but it must be something hidden seeing as the video doesnt really change too much I have to say, I actually enjoyed the my opinion some music videos move you because they are so large in their story and are just complex and have a great story (like from yesterday by 30- well the 13 minute one in full- not cut, it makes slightly more sense), and then there are videos liek this, that you really can't explian why you like it, but something triggers something emotionally that makes it all may think that I don't make any sense, but it's rather difficult to fully exaplin until you watch it I cool video, but I have to say that the ghost of you is my favorite MCR video (mikey dieing makes me want to cry but, I strangly like it since yeah it is my fav MCR song)!

I agree totally with what you said Eve. When it starts you're thinking 'O-KAY, Gerard has been having too much coffee or drugs or something...' but then it gets really emotional and powerful. I especially love the bit when the quiet bit comes and Gee drops the mic.
And Ghost of You rocks- when Mikey got shot and you see Gerard yelling his name I felt like rushing there and giving him a hug :D
Gah, why is the weekend going so slow?! I want the exams to be OVER...
I agree totally with what you said Eve. When it starts you're thinking 'O-KAY, Gerard has been having too much coffee or drugs or something...' but then it gets really emotional and powerful. I especially love the bit when the quiet bit comes and Gee drops the mic.
And Ghost of You rocks- when Mikey got shot and you see Gerard yelling his name I felt like rushing there and giving him a hug :D
Gah, why is the weekend going so slow?! I want the exams to be OVER...

yeah I want all 7 of my exams to be over with...but I'm really happy that someone sees where I'm coming from for the video!- that song btw famous last words, the guitar solos at least sound so "old school rock" like the generation of the "greats" which is why I think critics raved about the album being like the old time music which is such a huge compliment!
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i love the ghost of you.its so heart wrenching.makes you wanna cry. and ur rite echelon...their guitar solos are like old school rock. my mom loves when bands have "rifts" in their songs lol. famous last has this silent effect on u that dus draws u in.every time i hear it, i dunno i get this feeling...cant really explain it but that song really gets me :)
In a strange way this is amazing that the 3 of us at least ^^^ have this connection with the's really great though to get that real effect...usually there is about 1 song from each artist I listen too that really gets me-but for MCR I think well yeah i like ghost of you better, but I get another effect from famous last words...and seriously I don't get that way for too many other songs; some I get the feeling for are (and it has nothing to do with how much I love the song- it's just that random connection you can't explain I'm taking about- just that unexplainable effect):
30: ~Praying for a riot (hidden track)
~Battle of One
~Phase 1: Fortification (way old material)
Saosin: ~Bury your Head
Incubus: ~Anna Molly
Taking Back Sunday: ~Liar (It takes one to know one)
MCR: ~The ghost of you
~Famous last words
so when you think about that off the top of my head, that's not that many songs out of every song I have ever listened to know what I just had a thought, all of these songs empower me in some way...could that be it-that random feeling of "empowerment"...some in a sad way, and others just give me that kind of mental stable you all see what I mean (plus if you have listened to the songs listed above I think you may understand better)?
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I see what you mean. But of course the only songs I've heard from your list are the MCR ones.

Love the pic in your siggy btw- who is that? I love his gloves <3

EDIT: Oh, and another song that gives me that feeling is 'I Never Told You What I Did For a Living' from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by MCR. It's SUCH an awesome song, and so sad at the end.
I see what you mean. But of course the only songs I've heard from your list are the MCR ones.

Love the pic in your siggy btw- who is that? I love his gloves <3

EDIT: Oh, and another song that gives me that feeling is 'I Never Told You What I Did For a Living' from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by MCR. It's SUCH an awesome song, and so sad at the end.

that's jared in the picture lol (just a hint for the future you can always tell by his guitar cause it's one of a kind- has a gryphon on it and of course it's white with a red strap- so if his hair is in his face, or you see an old picture where his hair was blonde or long or something, you can always tell by the guitar!)and btw the X on the gloves- its a 30 thing...

yeah I've heard the song above...and yeah I understand...I think I'm going to have to post the links to those songs, since most of them are music video's too it's easy to get them, but I think from what I hear you like- you would understand me from hearing them:
Bury Your Head by Saosin
Anna Molly by Incubus
Battle of One by 30- this obviously is not a 30 video since the song does not have a music video- this was basically the only video I could find that has the full song so ignore the video and enjoy the song- it's slightly intense but it's amazing!
Liar (it takes one to know one) by taking back sunday<<<personally I like listening to this when I'm angry for some reason, it's not so much empowering as it is a song that makes you feel better...

PLEASE take the time to watch these/listen to these in full since I promise they are worth it...
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i love incubus's anna molly and taking back sunday's liar, i feel like everything adam says is so true and anna molly...i dunno that video is addicting lol. i need to listen to those other songs by 30 secs and saosin. i really get that feeling on the ghost of you too....and on i don't love on you on mcr's black parade. its great when songs like those can touch u in this indescribable way :D
i love incubus's anna molly and taking back sunday's liar, i feel like everything adam says is so true and anna molly...i dunno that video is addicting lol. i need to listen to those other songs by 30 secs and saosin. i really get that feeling on the ghost of you too....and on i don't love on you on mcr's black parade. its great when songs like those can touch u in this indescribable way :D

did you watch the videos, because if you need more from Saosin or 30, I got it! OMG your banner <3 <3 <3 amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
why thank you:D or shall i say "grassy-ass" fyi your supposed to say gracias like a gringo,if you know what i mean lol. ill check out the 30 and saosin videos lata cause my pc sucks. any more youd like to suggest watching?
OMG! Awesum Alternative banner! -applauds-

So what have you people been up to? My exams end on Friday, HUZZAH.

Ahh I see Eve- I can tell by Jared's guitar lol. His gloves are awesome. I want a pair :D So what's the story behind the X??
To be perfectly honest...Jared does that intenetionally a lot...using iconogrpahy for differnt reasons and all...the X was never really explained, it's just one of their many symbols but mostly likely it is another symbol for the echelon or just the band itself...actually they used to wear shirts with X's on them all the the echelon sweatshirt- has it on it too...ok I'll just let you all know what the other things mean that are part of the 30 iconography...
~The red arrow- visual representation of the phrase "provehito in altum" which is translated to mean: "To Lauch Forth Into the Deep" (it's a mars army sort of thing...btw just letting you know...the Mars Army is like a wider group of fans, the most devoted "cult"/Family are the [ECHELON]- the name came from the aong echelon on the self titled album so technically all echelon are a part of the mars army as well...mars army where black wristbands, echelon wear red ones)
~ The Mithra- the phoenix
~The Trinity- the three skulls (more of a representation of the second album- A Beautiful Lie, it wasn't really a symbol before that liek the phoenix)
~The Hieroglyphics- as in the egyptian ones you see- shannon has all 4 on his arm, and jared just has the one...they actually basically say "30 seconds to mars"- the first one is intertwined 3's meaning 30, the second one is meaning time aka seconds, the third is the number 2, so therefore 2=to, and then the last glyphic is the symbol for mars
~ the phrase " Find the argus apocraphex"- this one again never really explained, when you research it all you find that argus is a greek mythological creature, and the apocraphex are the "lost" books of the bible...
~Pythagores- Jared's guitar, yes it has a name haha...

so yeah all of the above was basically created all by jared because of his obbsession with the varias now all of you know what most of the iconogrpahy of the band's a huge thing for them...

Princey- did you watch the videos? What do you think?
Sweet :D I find it funny but cool that you actually remember all the iconography XD

No I haven't watched them yet- but I'm definitely planning on it after tomorrow when my exams finish.
Sweet :D I find it funny but cool that you actually remember all the iconography XD

No I haven't watched them yet- but I'm definitely planning on it after tomorrow when my exams finish.

awesome yeah do so- watch the videos when your exams are done they rock, and yeah my last exam is tomorrow too!...btw I'm think the X is a rock thing maybe? cause look at this: look at Gerard's hand:
EEK! That's so cute! Have you noticed Mikey almost never smiles in pics?

But yeah, that X looks awesome.....could be some kind of rock god thing.....

Bleh. French, Art and Maths exams tomorrow and then I'm free! Personally I don't see the point in an Art exam. And it's two hours long -_-'

My birthday is on Saturday :D Whoopee
EEK! That's so cute! Have you noticed Mikey almost never smiles in pics?

But yeah, that X looks awesome.....could be some kind of rock god thing.....

Bleh. French, Art and Maths exams tomorrow and then I'm free! Personally I don't see the point in an Art exam. And it's two hours long -_-'

My birthday is on Saturday :D Whoopee

oh happy early birthday...yeah i know mikey never smiles- he is kinda like my "fangirl" temptation I could never have with my 30 boys...but of course mikey is engaged to alicia simmons... but yeah he basically never smiles is all 150 pages of like 20 pictures each in a photobucket search haha...I'm happy your online! My last exam tomorrow is AP Psychology and it is just an old AP exam so I'm really nervous!