My Chemical Romance Fan Club

kool i am the only one at m yskool that watches fuse so i was just wondering if ne1 here watched or watches fuse. i am glad i am not the only one... yea i do agree that they show more of my favorites than mtv or mtv2... but yea that is kool

oh yeah i saw a mag * i for got the name of it* that had mcr on the cover i read most of it in target and it talked about how mcr used to be "crackheads" it was an ok article cause i learned something and it did have alwsome pictures... so yeah.....
have you noticed how many people have no clue who or what mcr is? i have and it is very fus... no tiring i guess you can say.... but yeah..... and also have you heard "kill all your friends" and "heaven help us" or " my way home is through you" just wondering cause i was looking up lyrics and saw it said it was on side-b of mcr's new cd but i dont know how to get to it... but today i downloaded those songs today... so at least i got to hear them...
hey eve! where in florida did u go? rite now its sorta cold here in miami cause of the cold front but not as cold as it it is where most of u guys live. that sucks that mcr doesnt do signings at big concerts like this but maybe rise against will! lol i love tim's eyes. theyre so flippin cool!!! lol and yay new member! :)
hey eve! where in florida did u go? rite now its sorta cold here in miami cause of the cold front but not as cold as it it is where most of u guys live. that sucks that mcr doesnt do signings at big concerts like this but maybe rise against will! lol i love tim's eyes. theyre so flippin cool!!! lol and yay new member! :)

i was in wellington...but yeah it's sad about the signing, but after that i will fill all of you in dont worry!
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Huzzah, you're back Eve! I was wondering where you'd mysteriously disappeared to.

I got my first ever Kerrang! mag a week parents softened up because it was my birthday and all.....and there was a brilliant 12-page section on MCR (have I said this before??)
I'm currently drawing one of the pics. I'm working on Bob presently.
Huzzah, you're back Eve! I was wondering where you'd mysteriously disappeared to.

I got my first ever Kerrang! mag a week parents softened up because it was my birthday and all.....and there was a brilliant 12-page section on MCR (have I said this before??)
I'm currently drawing one of the pics. I'm working on Bob presently.

kool i am never able to get a mag with them in it... *sigh* oh well i just need to save up some more money... i guess... i spent it all on cds lol
Huzzah, you're back Eve! I was wondering where you'd mysteriously disappeared to.

I got my first ever Kerrang! mag a week parents softened up because it was my birthday and all.....and there was a brilliant 12-page section on MCR (have I said this before??)
I'm currently drawing one of the pics. I'm working on Bob presently.

12 pages? omg that's so long and great lol, more magazines should do long articles...O have to say though Bruiser- go pick up a copy of SPIN because, its got a really good article and the pictures are incredible (very inexpensive as well)!

random question here: Jonny Radtke- hot or not? Personally I think he is incredibly case you don't recognize the name- he plays guitar for Kill Hannah just in case you still don't know him
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12 pagessssss:eek: no wayyyyy sweeetttttt lol. i really need to buy these magazines!!! cept i hav no money lol cause i spend them on cds too
12 pages? omg that's so long and great lol, more magazines should do long articles...O have to say though Bruiser- go pick up a copy of SPIN because, its got a really good article and the pictures are incredible (very inexpensive as well)!

random question here: Jonny Radtke- hot or not? Personally I think he is incredibly case you don't recognize the name- he plays guitar for Kill Hannah just in case you still don't know him

Errm judging by his looks only, not really. But if I got to know about him I'm sure I'd like him.....even if I think the ugliest person is nice, they immediately look 'hot' to me :rolleyes:
Errm judging by his looks only, not really. But if I got to know about him I'm sure I'd like him.....even if I think the ugliest person is nice, they immediately look 'hot' to me :rolleyes:

lol on top of that they have to have pretty face...well for me yeah we are getting closer to my friend seeing MCR-I'm so pumping her up to get a million pictures of them playing, etc...
Yeah and as soon as you get them, PUT 'EM HERE!!! :D

So I can drool over them and then cry because I probably never will see them play.
Thank you :D I just had this urge to make a Gerard banner after seeing the first picture, and then I just went crazy xD It's kinda big though, I think I'll resize it...
Thank you :D I just had this urge to make a Gerard banner after seeing the first picture, and then I just went crazy xD It's kinda big though, I think I'll resize it...

looks good to me- so the first picture- black makeup= gash by urban decay...while the white power all on his face is by I think you probably have seen that interview! ARE talking about the one where he gives makeup lessons to that guy, aren't you?? Or do you mean the one with Bert? Cos I've seen both. But the makeup lessons one is SOO funny!

Gee: Okay, we have to take off the tape now.
Guy: -cringeing- Just do it.
Gee: We have to do it it hurts >:-D -cute/evil little laugh- ARE talking about the one where he gives makeup lessons to that guy, aren't you?? Or do you mean the one with Bert? Cos I've seen both. But the makeup lessons one is SOO funny!

Gee: Okay, we have to take off the tape now.
Guy: -cringeing- Just do it.
Gee: We have to do it it hurts >:-D -cute/evil little laugh-

yeah it's the one with Steven (the guy you speak of this is his name) from Steven's untitled rock show on fuse...
Yeah, Steven (I couldn't be bothered remembering his name- and besides, I was too bust wetting myself laughing at Gee's awesum skeleton pjs). That's the one I watched. You have to admit it rocks :D
Yeah, Steven (I couldn't be bothered remembering his name- and besides, I was too bust wetting myself laughing at Gee's awesum skeleton pjs). That's the one I watched. You have to admit it rocks :D

lol yeah...I love in the steven interview when he asks frank how it looks- all frank needs to do is nod, then frank ties the tie and puts it on steven w/o saying a word...he never talked but it was hilarious...