My Chemical Romance Fan Club

yeah.. i hope they can be friends like they used to be.... they looked really happy.. having fun and stuff together...:D ....
anyways.... i cant wait for tuesday!!!.... im going to buy the new album lies for liars that exact day.... :D ive heard the new songs on myspace and they are great! the used did put great effort on this album:p

The only issue with the album I have is that it is slightly over produced and I miss the rawness of songs liek box full of sharp objects and i'm a fake, but I already have 2 of the tracks, and have seen 4 or 5 live so it's a good album. They were really great on jimmmy kimmel on thurs night too!

As far as bert and gerard being friends and close again...I would kind of doubt that, because to put it in a clean good manner they wouldn't go to the "same party" if you know what I mean, but who knows that the future holds! I'm so devoted to the used though, and having met them and knowing how great they really are, I would always kind of side with them however wrong they are lol...but obviously that's just me, because once I'm devoted that's it hahaha!
i cant wait for tuesday!!!.... im going to buy the new album lies for liars that exact day.... :D ive heard the new songs on myspace and they are great! the used did put great effort on this album:p

you are soo lucky i wish that i could get it tomorrow but i don't have any money to go and buy it.... oh well:rolleyes:
Hi guyses.
Sorry I haven't been on, exams started yesterday.
How's everyone??

Hey! Missed you very much haha! Not much is going finals are still in a couple of weeks, but my final term papers are all coming to their due dates, so I feel your pain! Anything else new other than exams?

BTW everyone go get The Used's new record that came out yesturday...not my favorite of their records (I have an oath to their self titled album lol), but definetly worth getting!!!
Hi guyses.
Sorry I haven't been on, exams started yesterday.
How's everyone??

kool here... i lust got done with my EOGs yesturday and i got my scores back and i got two 5's *the only one in my whole grade!* sorry had to say that... but yeah emo kid here is kinda smart.... lol i hope you did good on your exams :)
kool here... i lust got done with my EOGs yesturday and i got my scores back and i got two 5's *the only one in my whole grade!* sorry had to say that... but yeah emo kid here is kinda smart.... lol i hope you did good on your exams :)

lol exams...all coming up. I do have to knock out my AP english end of the year term paper first though...I seriously think I am getting and early case of "Senioridis" here school's seniors had their last day on Friday, so technically I AM a senior now haha!

By the way, just in case anyone didn't know, Linkin Park took over the top slot for leading record sales, which is great due to the fact that it was dominated by pop artists, but over 600,000 copies sold in the first week, hats off to them for that!
lol exams...all coming up. I do have to knock out my AP english end of the year term paper first though...I seriously think I am getting and early case of "Senioridis" here school's seniors had their last day on Friday, so technically I AM a senior now haha!

By the way, just in case anyone didn't know, Linkin Park took over the top slot for leading record sales, which is great due to the fact that it was dominated by pop artists, but over 600,000 copies sold in the first week, hats off to them for that!

lol im in exams to.. the final; ones :s.. cant wait for them to end:p
kool they are supposed to be showing it on fuse at 6 tonight also...

That's when I watched it haha...nice video, definetely not my favorite of theirs though. It's very "pop" styled if you know what I mean, but still very nice...I still think to this day, for me personally, Helena is my favorite video of theirs!

And guys...
My Gerard is engaged.
I only just found out, I dunno if you guys know...

But I'm so unbelievably happy for him.

And guys...
My Gerard is engaged.
I only just found out, I dunno if you guys know...

But I'm so unbelievably happy for him.

That's so sweet...definetely one of the only bands that have such steady relationships...good for them, seriously!
I didunt know. Wow. Go Gerard... I will have to tell Lou lol....

I havent seen the teenangers vidio yet... But I am going to find it on youtube soon...
i was both sad... and happy for gerard when i found out...its just that i dont really like eliza for him but.. if it makes him happy... :p ... anyways.... whats up?:D
i was both sad... and happy for gerard when i found out...its just that i dont really like eliza for him but.. if it makes him happy... :p ... anyways.... whats up?:D

I seriously have no idea who his future wife is (as do none of us really haha), but I'm sure they have something special, because when you think of how Gerard now lives his life, I doubt he would tolerate a person who isn't up to his standards of living. If you all understand where I am heading with this (aka his personaly philosphopies etc.).

Small little thing to cousin is a musician as many of you may very well know, and he is really gaining some recognition at this point, etc. His website has just been opened, so if you all want to keep tracks of it if you would like I and he would really appreciate's

obviously it's not complete but it will have a link to his myspace. Please if you know anyone who is interested in his style of music, please pass around the word, his EP is due out fairly soon and it would be great to add to his growing fanbase. I know most of you aren't into his softer style, and obviously we all know it's not my style of choice, but it's pretty decent and again if you know anyone, child through adult who would be interested please tell them to check him out!
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