My Chemical Romance Fan Club

Wow, lucky girl Eve! And yeah, I'm TERRIFIED or going to a hardcore concert and being trampled to death or something xD Plus I'm claustrophobic, so going to an MCR gig isn't the best idea. ButIwanttosobad. ;_;
Oh if I had the chance to go to an MCR concert I wouldn't care if I was in pain and squashed. I wouldn't care as long as I got to see them. It was pretty crowded at the EJ concert, even though the majority were people my parents' age &up sometimes with their little kids...though if I was anywhere near the front row at an MCR concert I'd probably faint or burst out bawling before caring about the crowd.XD Yeah if you're wondering about the bawling part, it's not cause Gerard Way scares me or something. Lol its cause I tend to be an emotional idiot when it comes to music I love. I got close to tears and a few times they came but didn't fall at the Elton John concert and I wasn't near the stage. But this music was everything to me. Like I said, God knows how I'd react emotionally at an MCR concert.
It would probably be like every other time I go somewhere that is like a living dream to me. I'd be dazed and lost in a state of pure bliss and forget I'm even alive and sing along as if no one could hear me and then half an hour after the show never shut up about it. The joy would still be remaining in my heart and mind for a week or so after, fading with the following Saturday but not really ever leaving me. I react differently to concerts and seeing my idols than other people do. I don't know why. I'm just weird that way.
*Wonders why MCR sings about having Enebophobia which is the scientific term for a fear of teenagers* Yes that was referring to the song "Teenagers" by MCR... XD
I probably WOULD care about being squashed at an MCR concert. I probably wouldn't if I wasn't claustrophobic, but I am and I think I'd die if I was squashed by people from all sides xD And anyway, they'll always be my boys, even though I'm slowly letting them go. Everytime I think I've let go of them, and then hear an MCR song, my heart just goes BA-BOOM and I know I haven't let go after all >.>
I probably WOULD care about being squashed at an MCR concert. I probably wouldn't if I wasn't claustrophobic, but I am and I think I'd die if I was squashed by people from all sides xD And anyway, they'll always be my boys, even though I'm slowly letting them go. Everytime I think I've let go of them, and then hear an MCR song, my heart just goes BA-BOOM and I know I haven't let go after all >.>

Haha yeah claustrophia is probably the last thing you want at a concert, but you know what girl, you could really use that to your know I always look for things to get me places etc...I've told you the stories- pretending to feel "like I was passing out" at warped to run through the medic, behind the barriers and right to Craig <3, etc. so your possible downfall, may actually be a good thing...especially at an outdoor concert, or even indoors if security is nice. Cause you can always say you don't feel good cause of that and if they are nice they will keep you in a good view, or if it's outdoors you can sneak around and do exactly what I don't look down on it!

The pain def does matter to me, but I still always try and be close expecially for chiodos, cause for I guess the past year they have been my fave band for how I've met them all and had decent convo's with them, identify with some of craig's issues, and that I connect with their lyrics and live shows...I've def gotten hurt, pretty bad watching them but it's always worth every pain =]
I probably WOULD care about being squashed at an MCR concert. I probably wouldn't if I wasn't claustrophobic, but I am and I think I'd die if I was squashed by people from all sides xD And anyway, they'll always be my boys, even though I'm slowly letting them go. Everytime I think I've let go of them, and then hear an MCR song, my heart just goes BA-BOOM and I know I haven't let go after all >.>

Nooooo never let go!!! Lol I thought I was letting them go as soon as they really got a place other than "evil devil worshippers of satin" in my heart and I really started loving them, but then I heard "Teenagers" on the radio and I was tossed into a daze and the next day I was looking them up online again. XD Lol I don't think I'll ever let these guys go, though there have been a few times that I've learned things about Gerard Way that kinda disappointed me. I guess that just cause he can sing so great and looks good I assumed he was a fantastic flawless person.
*is a confused idiot who decides rather than jumping into the conversation and speaking of the wrong things it would be better to go continue to drool over the pictures of Gerard Way on photobucket*
Um, okay o_o No offence at all, but I can put up with a LITTLE bit of fangirlness, but I have my limits. I can totally lose my cool when someone says someone in MCR is hot, because 1) They're already going out with someone/married, and there's a 99.999999% chance they won't be interested in say, a 14 year old AND 2) It's about the music, not how hot the members of the band are.

Like I said, no offence intended :) But just tone down the fangirlness a bit, aye?
Um, okay o_o No offence at all, but I can put up with a LITTLE bit of fangirlness, but I have my limits. I can totally lose my cool when someone says someone in MCR is hot, because 1) They're already going out with someone/married, and there's a 99.999999% chance they won't be interested in say, a 14 year old AND 2) It's about the music, not how hot the members of the band are.

Like I said, no offence intended :) But just tone down the fangirlness a bit, aye?

^^^You sound so much like what I used to say all the time! <3 you! granted I put my off topic tattoo comment in there...but yeah...good job girl!

To narniafan95- believe me, we have all been there with a (or many lol) musicians and yes rockstars are extremely gorgeous...we all are very aware of that, and i know it's hard to control how much you are infatuated with them, but sometimes it's better to keep it in...

There will be day when you go to a MCR show and the amount of girls screaming in their faces saying lame comments, will get incredibly annoying; I'm not saying don't scream and cheer, but if you are so passionate about it- scream every lyric of every song, it's an empowering feeling, and I promise you that MCR appreciate that more than the mindless screams (we all do it sometimes, but too much can go overboard).

A true fan loves the music, regardless of what each person looks like, but we all know that in a society based a lot on appearance, we all love the hot frontman, vocalist, guitarist, drummer, bassist, whomever he may be....still at this point in this thread, it's stripped away the outer appearance of MCR (and any other band that I usually throw into the mix, cause I admit it, I'm not a big fan of MCR, I'm extremely into hardcore now, but I still have so much respect for them) and it has gotten to the heart of their lyrics, about the live shows, etc...this is true for any band we discuss...I do post a lot of non relevant pictures from concerts, but I would think it would be of common interest of this group here, well I hope it is =], especially when there is a lull in MCr news...I try to talk about w/e else is going on in this end of the industry

so girl- do not feel embarassed for raving about the MCR guys, it's not a problem, just for some of these intense fans ie princey lol, they get fed up with it, cause they hear it all the time...If i came off harsh, I do apologize, remember i am 17, and I do tend to take that older persepctive on everything, and I don't want you to think I was critizing you, I was just explaining my girl's opinion in depth =] get off of this whole topic confusion...and to bring it back to center focus, I'm thinking princey will know the answer to this question, and maybe everyone else- what's MCR's next move? CD or tour? I know they are set to play bamboozle left in CA...but that's about it haha
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Ok I'm double posting...but I do have some updates to share...

These two things are currently secrets to the world, I just heard them from inside sources:
A Skylit Drive has a new singer- jag from odd project (i have no idea who he is lol)

and Escape the Fate's new singer is Craig Mabbitt previously of blessthefall- one of the best things I have heard in a long time! I was so upset when Craig left btf, but I knew he was unhappy, so ETF is going to be a great move for him and I think he will do amazing for them!

^ those two things I just mentioned are not for public ears at this point...I have a friend who heard the first one idk where, and the second came from my ex who talks to craig occasionally.

I don't remember if I explained the Escape the Fate situation...idk if you guys listen to them, but it was really a sticky issue...
Ronnie Radke- the vocalist (now replaced by craig), got into a fight in may of 06 in which he and a few others all brought some weapon- brass knuckles being the least of them, and faced about the same amount of guys on the other side who were also armed...a man from Ronnie's side shot a guy from the opposer's party...murder charges brought up were dropped, but Ronnie has just been sentenced to 4 years probation and a fine of $92,000 for battery with substantial body harm...he cannot leave the state of Nevada, so he had to be ousted from Escape the Fate. He will also have to hold a full time job and attend drug rehab because he has 6 counts of possession of narcotics including heroin under his all in all it's not the best situation. Also, to make things worse, Ronnie's codefendent, who would have stood trial with him, committed suicide after being charged, so Ronnie has been the only one convicted in the incident.

Ronnie was a great frontman, he occasionally was known for not be overly friendly to fans, but he obviously suffers from an intense addiction. I personally hope he finally is able to clean up his act, and maybe after his probation is done, he will return to the music industry! >just to put a name to a face- Ronnie is the guy in the red shirt in my current signature...I wish him the best <3
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I already admitted I'm a nerdlinger of a fangirl. And, when I first heard/started listening to the music I had no idea what ANY of them looked like so please don't give me the, "You Only Like Them Cause You Like Gerard Way" speech. Number two I never said I wanted them to be interested in me. Regardless to seemingly popular belief, a person can think a person is attractive and listen to their music at the same time. I hate being accused of just liking a type of music for the person's looks cause all of it is untrue. I'm sorry if I'm going overboard cause you did say "No offense" but I tend to be offended easily...
Yeah my obsessions seem to annoy people wherever I go but school cause I don't trust enough people at school to tell them anything about my feelings or thoughts. Lol my older sis, Kat always tell me to find something other than the usual subject to talk about. I've also been told I'm too "touchy" about things...

Touchy? Me? NEVER! XD
I already admitted I'm a nerdlinger of a fangirl. And, when I first heard/started listening to the music I had no idea what ANY of them looked like so please don't give me the, "You Only Like Them Cause You Like Gerard Way" speech. Number two I never said I wanted them to be interested in me. Regardless to seemingly popular belief, a person can think a person is attractive and listen to their music at the same time. I hate being accused of just liking a type of music for the person's looks cause all of it is untrue. I'm sorry if I'm going overboard cause you did say "No offense" but I tend to be offended easily...
Yeah my obsessions seem to annoy people wherever I go but school cause I don't trust enough people at school to tell them anything about my feelings or thoughts. Lol my older sis, Kat always tell me to find something other than the usual subject to talk about. I've also been told I'm too "touchy" about things...

Touchy? Me? NEVER! XD

I don't think you quite understood what I said to back up princey's statement...I didn't say that if you find a band member attractive that it was a bad thing. Every other girl on this thread 100% finds someone in the rock world attractive. We weren't accusing you, we were simply stating that once you hear it enough, it begins to get irritating...aka we were informing you before you go to a concert and some girl tries to knock you out for saying something...I'm completely serious. I don't think you were around here during the time when I was extremely obsessed with 30. Every concert I went to, girls 5 times my size would threaten me and my friends because at the time we were younger (and didn't look "hardcore enough" I suppose) and easily mistaken for pure fangirls, which was false. If we hung out after to wait for the guys, girls would always lie to our faces and say stuff like "oh jared's gone, he left, that means you can go home"'s not fun feeling hated by fellow fans.

This isn't a you only like like G Way speech...if you read my post about this again maybe you will understand it better...please girl we aren't trying to criticize you, I personally love every girl on this thread. I think you all are awesome for being so devoted to legit music not untalented crap. So don't take this as criticism, try and hear us out because it really is something important to know as a fan =]

So don't be mad at us girl! We are looking out for you really! <3
awesome happy belated birthday =]!

In June I'm legally an adult, and on my birthday I'm getting a tattoo with my best excited haha!

Sweet! :D
i am going to do that when i turn 18 but it will be a while until then.... i already have meh tattoo drawn out and everything... lol

sorry that i cannot get on as often..... but i have all honors classes this semester and homework is UNBELIEVEABLE!!!:eek:

much love
~ manda-panda
Yeah, like I said, no offence intended, NF95. So there's no need to get in my face, as Eve already explained why I'm behaving in such an awful way xD So sorry if I did offend you. I know obsessions can get carried away sometimes.

And thank you Eve, for elaborating on what I actually meant :) I have no clue what MCR are gonna do next actually...the last piece of news I heard was Gee getting married to Lyn-Z xD
Yeah thats the last thing I heard, too....:(
MCR saved me from another bus ride of the busdriver, Mary's knee-slappin' hill-billy country music....She turns it up as loud as everyone else turns up rap or rock music so again I had to turn up my headphines as loud as possible and for awhile it kinda worked but then some country fanatic on our bus shouted, "Mary, turn it up LOUDER!". Like it could've gotten any louder....:rolleyes:
Thats when I started talking to my cd..."Belt it, belt it! Yeah, rock that guitar solo! Oh, come on, I KNOW you can be louder, I've heard it!" Lol I think thats why most of the people on my bus are scared of me. XD Honestly, once I was sitting alone and there were no more seats left on the bus and some 3rd grader needed a seat so the busdriver was trying to help him find a seat. She reached my seat and was like, "You can sit there." and the kid's eyes got real big when I smiled, trying not to look any creepier than I already did sitting there in my leather jacket with the collar flipped up and my headphones on. He tried to walk away but the busdriver made him sit with me anyway since no more seats were left. And thats happened before. They just get more scared when I smile, probably cause my canine teeth (I think thats what they're called...) are really pointy and when I smile I kinda look like a vampire and the jacket, headphones and dark colors probably don't help much... XD