I did indeed! I made a bid on Sideshow Saruman, and would have paid $300. Like you, some knucklehead outbid me at the very last second! Argh!
However, I made a "best offer" price for the exact same statue on Ebay and got it for $280, while the asking price was $350. Not bad...
And thanks to all! I'm very excited for this.
Curumo said:
Congratulations. Man, I could have given you that Saruman for 225.00 . I wish you had been interested LOL then, six months ago. This is why I asked Specter for a special STICKY section on Narnia merchandise...so that if you are looking for something I can try to find it for you at best prices...I have a couple of toy dealers that have given me fantastic bargains. I got a Peter's Sword for 125.00 and then a Witch's Wand for 100.00, over 50% off!!!!!
OH NO, I hope this white witch on the Disney shopping thing isn't a Weta thing...let me go there...I may be getting this one in the mail this week.