Prince Caspian: Ben Barnes & why is he so old?

If I swooned over anyone in the LWW movie it was Mr. Tumnus. And I kind of kept my obcession to my self, *Runs and Hides her Mr. Tumnus fan club card* JK JK :D :D :D :D

LOL...well James is closer to our age than Will or Skandar so that makes sense. That and he plays a pretty cool faun. It's all good. Ben is also closer to our ages, but still not quite close enough for me. However, I like to keep in mind that we fall often for the characters they play, not the people that the actors are. Ben and Caspian aren't the same. Will and Peter aren't the same and neither are Skandar and Edmund...even if they were partly type cast. I can't say that I swoon over any of them really...but I'm sure that we'll end up with many new members swooning over Ben once PC releases.
At any rate, I did not join the site because of my liking the movie, I had flirted with the idea of joining it before the movie came out, I just did not because I did not think my parents would want me to, They have regretted the day last October when I finally took the plunge ever since. In their opinion I get on here way to often.

Back to the subject of Ben Barnes now.

Haha... me too. I was visiting around Sept. 2005 but deliberately avoided joining because I knew I'd be addicted. :D
Too late for me ;) I tend to get obsessed over stuff I like :p

If I swooned over anyone in the LWW movie it was Mr. Tumnus. And I kind of kept my obcession to my self, *Runs and Hides her Mr. Tumnus fan club card* JK JK

I LOVE James!! Are there any James-ites? Or McAvites? Cuz I definitely would be one ;) :p Has anyone seen Becoming Jane w/ him and Anne Hathaway? I REALLY want to see that...he looks so cute in it and he is an AMAZING actor.

See, look, I'm swooning. BUT I appreciate James' acting.
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Actually, in my opinion, I think Ben's age is just fine. Why? If you exactly don't know Ben's age, you'd think he's just as old as Will. In the book, it's written:
"...then Peter saw a boy his age fighting..."

In the BBC Version, Peter & Caspian looked the same age. The same today. Ben and Will looks as if they're same age.
Actually, in my opinion, I think Ben's age is just fine. Why? If you exactly don't know Ben's age, you'd think he's just as old as Will. In the book, it's written:
"...then Peter saw a boy his age fighting..."

In the BBC Version, Peter & Caspian looked the same age. The same today. Ben and Will looks as if they're same age.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Still............... 25? Come on. I'm not letting that go until I see Ben in PC. :D

But that doesn't excuse the romance.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Still............... 25? Come on. I'm not letting that go until I see Ben in PC. :D

But that doesn't excuse the romance.
LOL! I agree with PC.
but I do feel better since watching the teaser/trailer, because they made Ben look Will's age, which is correct. And so he will easily be able to look 3 years older for VDT. And he looks like he is going to do the part well. I just wonder how they will handle the stuff from his childhood ... but I have mroe faith now that things will be fine. As long as there is no romance! :)
There was something in the preview where Susan is helping Caspian with his bow...but I think that's it, as far as "romance". Still, I'd prefer that there'd be nothing like that at all.
It will be easier to talk about it when we've seen the film and know how things play out in the movie all the way around.

Ben doesn't look older than Will even though he's just sad that they aren't doing some sort of flashback to Caspian's childhood.
What the...

Ben Barnes...
Is a 25-going-on-26-year-old brunette...who was casted as Caspian...
That is so wrong. D=
Anyone agree with me here?
I even saw screenshots of him in costume! And they didn't put a wig on him or anything.
He looks twice Peter's age, which is also wrong. If memory serves me right, Caspian was a year or two younger than Peter. Either that or Peter's age.
Yeah, anyway, I don't think Ben's right for the role.

((Please don't have a fit if there's actually already a topic about this. ^^' ))
He is only six years older than Will. He is about the same height as Will and in the book, Caspian is said to be about the same age as Peter, not younger.

there is already a thread on this topic, *goes to get a mod*