In ancient China, there lived a noble kung-fu master known as The Jade Eagle. A widower, his one comfort in life was his cherished daughter Shaolin-derella. Jade Eagle, too noble himself to expect treachery from others, married another woman in order to give his daughter a stepmother; but the new bride was really an agent for the evil Shadow Tigers, a band of assassins who had suffered many humiliating defeats at the hands of Jade Eagle. She admitted fifty killers into the house one night less than a week after the wedding; Jade Eagle slew forty-nine of them, but the last one fatally stabbed him in the back.
Shaolin-derella lived for months in bondage to her evil stepmother and stepsisters. But when she prayed for help to Kuan-Yin, the Chinese goddess of mercy, Kuan-Yin appeared to her and taught her the one kung-fu technique her father had not gotten around to teaching her before his death: the fabulous Glass Slipper Kick. Then Kuan-Yin advised her on the best way to use this to advantage.
It so happened that Prince Chao-Ming was looking for a wife; and he actually WANTED to marry a woman who could BEAT him in at least one style of fighting. The reason why Chao-Ming desired this was that, because he was a prince, training partners were always just letting him win in matches--but he wanted someone who would FORCE him to improve his own ability. So a tournament was held: Chao-Ming against any unmarried kung-fu lady who cared to take him on.
Since the Prince was by no means without real skill, he defeated every contestant, including the two evil stepsisters; but then Shaolin-derella defeated him with the Glass Slipper kick. She couldn't stay; but the Prince went searching for her, inviting women to kick him as a way of identifying the maiden he sought. When he found Shaolin-derella and had her kick him, that was the first kick in the search that had succeeded in knocking him down. Springing up joyfully, Chao-Ming cried out, "I love you! Kick me again!" But NOT being a 21st-century American woman, Shaolin-derella took no pleasure in kicking a man without valid cause; instead, she urged the Prince simply to get right to the marriage part.
Seeing her schemes going down the drain, the evil stepmother called in the remaining fifty or sixty Shadow Tigers to attack the happy couple. But Shaolin-derella and Chao-Ming together killed all the villains--including the stepmother and stepsisters, who had joined in the attack; and, since the Communists would not rise to power in China for many centuries yet, they lived happily ever after.