Well-known member
MEANWHILE, the Magtas were standing by on a planet whose natives had VERY LITTLE cause to think favorably of the Federation establishment. Windaro has been mentioned before: the planet visited many years ago by the starship Extrovert. That ship's doctor, an Arpkevorkian called Flunky, had not exactly intended to commit genocide; but his arrogant handling of a problem with Windaran reproduction had nearly caused the whole species to become unable to produce any more children. It was Velda Flake, an ancestor to both Lodge Flake and his true love Royurbota Quardimo, who had saved the Windarans from extinction.
The Windarans, consequently, were inclined to think favorably of anyone who was friendly to Lodge and Royurbota.
The Flashlights were camped out in a conveniently remote location, inside the crater of a reliably extinct volcano. Also present were several friendly humans from Umbaderro, who knew some of what was really going on. (In particular, they knew about the disappearance of Taglamso the forest ranger.) As we resume action, one Windaran female whose mother had personally known Velda Flake showed up to tell them: "I have just been mystically contacted by an apparent human calling himself Mazash, who has some kind of mental powers. He told me that he, and another one like him, are about to deliver powerful friends to this planet. Many of these will be unfamiliar to any of us, but they are accompanied by known good guys: notably Royurbota Quardimo, Wibgug-Bifyok, and Cyborg Chutnykorn."
To keep things moving, everyone who had flown with Royurbota for the meeting with Rip Tellus was in the arriving contingent. If I said before that Parbellik and Luvardra had been with Royurbota, then sure, they arrived with her now; otherwise, they had already been on Windaro. Details, details.
Block Atom was there with Serrimu. John and Lylah Cardsharper were there, as were Slick and Krayzee Mudpackis. Tarp Kanvas came with a squad of his fellow six-limbed green warriors. (I remind the readers that these "Thark" equivalents, when transplanted to Planet Freesoil, had been miraculously given increased strength to endure increased gravity.) Everybody from Freesoil carried either energy weapons or high-quality bullet-guns. Perry Kushun, a survivor of the old Spacebullion mega-mothership, even brought his kettledrums, in case any dramatic moment required special emphasis.
When the Magtas were introduced to Block and Serrimu, Parbellik ascertained that Serrimu had a practical familiarity with weapons. He accordingly loaned her the rocket launcher he had been keeping in reserve. Then he addressed the hard-bodied metahuman:
"I understand that, besides being so strong physically, you are saturated with magic. I must warn you: even you are not omnipotent. It is very likely that the flesh-and-blood villains in this region of space have a demon-level evil being backing them up."
"Oh, I know I'm not omnipotent," the antihero replied. "The limit upon my powers was imposed on me by much weaker beings-- because they were SMARTER than I was. It may after all be a blessing that I was placed under this binding: but be that as it may, I was indisputably defeated by superior cunning."
Wibgug-Bifyok, the Shmeehobber who had been among Parbellik's and Luvardra's earliest friends in this Federation, spoke to Block next.
"In addition to your possible vulnerabilities, and in addition to not wanting needless deaths on any side, we have a narrowly specific priority: the survivors of Flake's Seven. If Coordinator Scurvylaff realizes that we want to rescue those heroes, she will either treat them as hostages against us, or kill them outright as an arrogant act of defiance."
Royurbota seconded her blobby friend: "Losing Lodge is unthinkable. This priority will cripple us, IF that snake Vernacula realizes we want to rescue him and his friends. But you, Block Atom, can help to prevent this danger to my betrothed, by giving the tyrant a believable different reason for our actions."
"Which is--?"
"Since Vernacula is pretending that recent deaths are the fault of Green Flashlights, you can be part of a plausible response by the indignant Flashlight Corps, never making any reference to Lodge."
The Windarans, consequently, were inclined to think favorably of anyone who was friendly to Lodge and Royurbota.
The Flashlights were camped out in a conveniently remote location, inside the crater of a reliably extinct volcano. Also present were several friendly humans from Umbaderro, who knew some of what was really going on. (In particular, they knew about the disappearance of Taglamso the forest ranger.) As we resume action, one Windaran female whose mother had personally known Velda Flake showed up to tell them: "I have just been mystically contacted by an apparent human calling himself Mazash, who has some kind of mental powers. He told me that he, and another one like him, are about to deliver powerful friends to this planet. Many of these will be unfamiliar to any of us, but they are accompanied by known good guys: notably Royurbota Quardimo, Wibgug-Bifyok, and Cyborg Chutnykorn."
To keep things moving, everyone who had flown with Royurbota for the meeting with Rip Tellus was in the arriving contingent. If I said before that Parbellik and Luvardra had been with Royurbota, then sure, they arrived with her now; otherwise, they had already been on Windaro. Details, details.
Block Atom was there with Serrimu. John and Lylah Cardsharper were there, as were Slick and Krayzee Mudpackis. Tarp Kanvas came with a squad of his fellow six-limbed green warriors. (I remind the readers that these "Thark" equivalents, when transplanted to Planet Freesoil, had been miraculously given increased strength to endure increased gravity.) Everybody from Freesoil carried either energy weapons or high-quality bullet-guns. Perry Kushun, a survivor of the old Spacebullion mega-mothership, even brought his kettledrums, in case any dramatic moment required special emphasis.
When the Magtas were introduced to Block and Serrimu, Parbellik ascertained that Serrimu had a practical familiarity with weapons. He accordingly loaned her the rocket launcher he had been keeping in reserve. Then he addressed the hard-bodied metahuman:
"I understand that, besides being so strong physically, you are saturated with magic. I must warn you: even you are not omnipotent. It is very likely that the flesh-and-blood villains in this region of space have a demon-level evil being backing them up."
"Oh, I know I'm not omnipotent," the antihero replied. "The limit upon my powers was imposed on me by much weaker beings-- because they were SMARTER than I was. It may after all be a blessing that I was placed under this binding: but be that as it may, I was indisputably defeated by superior cunning."
Wibgug-Bifyok, the Shmeehobber who had been among Parbellik's and Luvardra's earliest friends in this Federation, spoke to Block next.
"In addition to your possible vulnerabilities, and in addition to not wanting needless deaths on any side, we have a narrowly specific priority: the survivors of Flake's Seven. If Coordinator Scurvylaff realizes that we want to rescue those heroes, she will either treat them as hostages against us, or kill them outright as an arrogant act of defiance."
Royurbota seconded her blobby friend: "Losing Lodge is unthinkable. This priority will cripple us, IF that snake Vernacula realizes we want to rescue him and his friends. But you, Block Atom, can help to prevent this danger to my betrothed, by giving the tyrant a believable different reason for our actions."
"Which is--?"
"Since Vernacula is pretending that recent deaths are the fault of Green Flashlights, you can be part of a plausible response by the indignant Flashlight Corps, never making any reference to Lodge."
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