The Insane Asylum II

11: *Grabs fish and feeds it to Adam's alligator* If you feed the alligators, I'm sure they'll be okay.

Adam: Hehe, I'm fine! It's fun to be insane! Woohoo! *Tackles alligator* No care in the world!

Me: *Facepalm*

Jack: *Grabs Adam and sticks him in Chocolate Mt. Doom* There.


Jack: *Pulls him out* All better?

Adam: *Dripping with chocolate* Uh huh.

Me: Yay!

10: Aw, he was kinda fun being insane.

11: Much more interesting.

Adam: Wait, I was insane? What?

Caspian: *lashes two alligators together and rides them around the Asylum, using a piece of the couch as a whip* WHERE THERE'S A WHIP THEEEEEREEEEEES A WAY!

Dorthy: Well, we still have my brother.:rolleyes:

Frodo: *paints Adam's face with tomato juice* La dee da dee da.....

me: No. Dum da dum dum dum. That's it.

Zuko: *hides behind wrecked couch* I'm dead. I'm deadI'mdeadI'mdeadIdiedI'mdead.

Dorthy: INCONCEIVABLE! *smacks Zuko*

This is what I'm reduced to to keep this thread alive... *is tempted to spam Rainy's page with her cats*


Caspian: Nemisi?

Dorthy: The plural of 'nemesis'

Caspian: O.o is that a word?

Dorthy: I dunno, but it is now!

Frodo: Well, in the meantime I managed to cut the all the wiring on the TARDIS.

Dorthy: YOU WHAT NOW!?!

Frodo: Yeah, I only electrocuted myself twice.

Zuko: Katara is the only other person who knows of this.

Dorthy: *snicker*

Caspian: I shorted out the paneling. Now, all that's left is to paint it a different color.... Hmmm....

Dorthy: But the Doctor would have noticed, right? And put up safeguards to ward against us?

Frodo: It looks normal enough. Until you push a button. Then, KABOOM!

Dorthy: O.o

Caspian: The whole thing doesn't go KABOOM! only that panel, which in turn sets off a chain reaction to the rest of the machine.

Dorthy:... Ya think pink is a devious enough color?

Caspian: I love you, sis.:D
10: Ha! You think you actually wrecked the TARDIS? *Grins and pulls out coin purse* The TARDIS is in here.

Adam: And how does that work? Isn't the TARDIS like some giant box?

Me: Time Lord technology.

Adam: What's that?

11: *Lying on top of the decoy TARDIS, painting it pink* Bigger on the inside!

River: Why are you painting the TARDIS pink?

Me: *Picks up paintbrush and paints TARDIS* We're painting the TARDIS pink, we're painting the TARDIS pink!

11: Alice in Wonderland! Brilliant movie! Saw it the day before they started making it.

Adam: What? No, wait, never mind.
me: There's a reason I don't watch Doctor Who. I think the invention parts were implanted in my brain by some mad scientist when I was born, but he was interrupted because I don't have a clue how to make them.:rolleyes:

Caspian: Yeah, Doc, but you were scared enough you came back. *fist pump* Mission accomplished.:D *paints TARDIS pink*

Dorthy: *paints flowers* Yeah, but what if we used Mewsie's Time Machine to go to the future and get the TARDIS and we really DID wreck it, just the one from the furture.

Frodo: *paints daleks* *cough* Yeah....

Zuko: *dries paint with fire* Why are we doing this again?

me: Because. We can. *paints the TARDIS purple*
Me: Woah. I haven't been here in a while.... WHERE DID MT. DOOM GO?!?!?!??!?!?!?! :eek:

Mullog: It's in the other room, precious.

Me: Ok. *Goes into the Lotr room. Finds a secret door in the back of the room.* Where does this go? *Opens the door, and walks into a dark room.* Where's the lightswitch? *Flips the switch and figures out that this is the mysterious "mod lounge".* What is this place?!?!
Me: Woah. I haven't been here in a while.... WHERE DID MT. DOOM GO?!?!?!??!?!?!?! :eek:

Mullog: It's in the other room, precious.

Me: Ok. *Goes into the Lotr room. Finds a secret door in the back of the room.* Where does this go? *Opens the door, and walks into a dark room.* Where's the lightswitch? *Flips the switch and figures out that this is the mysterious "mod lounge".* What is this place?!?!

Mysterious voice: I've been waiting for you.

Other Mysterious voice: For years we have waited.

1st MV: And now you have come... our servant.

2nd MV: Yess....

Caspian: (Eustace, methinks you took a wrong turn!)
Me: What do you want with me O Mysterious Voices?!?! *Takes out my handy dandy flashlight and shines it around the room.* Where are you hiding?!?!

1st MV: Aaah, but if we told you where we were, we wouldn't be mysterious anymore!

2nd MV: :rolleyes: We need you go get something for us.

1st MV: Go to the refrigerator.

Fridge: *rattles ominously*

2nd MV: And open it.

Fridge: *rattles more*
Me: Are you in the fridge!?!?!?! *Shines flashlight over there, walking veeeeeerrrrry sllllooooowwwwwllly. Opens fridge.* Are you in here!?!

*something leaps out at Eustace and flies over her head before disappearing behind the fridge and growling*

1st MV: No, that was the DLF. Now, reach inside the fridge....

2nd MV: And pull out the cheeze whiz.
Me: *Painting Silurians on the fake TARDIS* No, Eustace, don't do it! Don't do it!

11: Aw, I'm sure she'll be fine.

10: Who would name their poor daughter Eustace?

Me: That's not her actual name, just the one she uses on the internet.

11: Internet? Bah!
Me: My actual name is rather pretty, thank you very much. :D *Opens up the fridge, and finds cheeze whiz and a Chocolate Muffin of Death.* AUGHHHHH!!!!!! :eek: Anything but the Chocolate Muffin of Death!!!!!! I don't want to die!!!!!!!

DLF: Hisssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Me: WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?!! *Runs around the lounge screaming my head off. Suddenly, the tv hanging on the wall turns on. It's playing reruns of Teletubbies.* NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Rainy: What's going on?

Me: AH! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! YOU'RE JUST IN MY HEAD! *Rocks back and forth, covering ears* It's just a dream, he's not real, he's not real, he's a figment of my imagination...

Dr. Rainy: That isn't going to help anything.

11: So THAT'S what I'd look like with a mustache!

10: And a sombrero.

Dr. Rainy: Sombrero's are cool! And so are mustaches!

Me: *Muttering* You're just a figment of my imagination, you're just a figment of my imagination...

Dr. Rainy: *Pours water from watering can on me* Hello! I'm Dr. Rainy.

Me: AH!

Adam: What's so wrong with Dr. Rainy? *Mouths to Doctors* Weird name.

Me: He's like my alter ego. I may say that I leave the forum and get locked up in the cupboard, but it's really me still at the computer, being my alter ego!

Adam: ...Okay...

Dr. Rainy: Basically, we're two sides of the same coin. We don't look much alike, though.

Adam: Oooohhhhh...
Dr. Rainy: What's going on?

Me: AH! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! YOU'RE JUST IN MY HEAD! *Rocks back and forth, covering ears* It's just a dream, he's not real, he's not real, he's a figment of my imagination...

Dr. Rainy: That isn't going to help anything.

11: So THAT'S what I'd look like with a mustache!

10: And a sombrero.

Dr. Rainy: Sombrero's are cool! And so are mustaches!

Me: *Muttering* You're just a figment of my imagination, you're just a figment of my imagination...

Dr. Rainy: *Pours water from watering can on me* Hello! I'm Dr. Rainy.

Me: AH!

Adam: What's so wrong with Dr. Rainy? *Mouths to Doctors* Weird name.

Me: He's like my alter ego. I may say that I leave the forum and get locked up in the cupboard, but it's really me still at the computer, being my alter ego!

Adam: ...Okay...

Dr. Rainy: Basically, we're two sides of the same coin. We don't look much alike, though.

Adam: Oooohhhhh...

Caspian: NO! *comes up behind Dr. Rainy and whacks him on the head with a baseball bat* *yells to Bohemian Rhapsody tune while hitting Dr. Rainy again each time in emphasis* NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!

Dorthy: Jeeze, calm down, Caspian, I'm sure not ALL the Dr.'s in the Asylum are bad. You kinda like 10 and 11.

Caspian: THEY'RE A DIFFERENT KIND OF DOCTOR! DR. RAINY AND RAINY ARE JUST LIKE GLEN AND DR. BYRNE! NEEEEYOO- Wait? What am I saying? Doc Byrne was one of my greatest enemies, he was smart (if any of you ever tell him I said that you will WISH we could kill people in Dufferland...) amusing at times and creative (again, never tell him I said that. Don't tell Glen either) and really good at making cages. At least with him around we had something to do...

Dorthy: Here it comes.:rolleyes:

Caspian: NEVERMIND DR. RAINY, I LIKE YOU NOW. Now, do something evil...

Dorthy: Again, Waldo says it all, :rolleyes:

Zuko:.... *stares at Caspian through his outbursts* WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?

me: Its a looooong story. Just equate Dr. Byrne with Gollum and Glen with Smeagol. We'll see how the Rainys play out.

Zuko: I... just...

1st MV: Yeah, our sentiments exactly. -.-

2nd MV: *sigh* Why do they always freak out? And why does that channel changer not work anymore?

1st MV: I dunno. Anyway though, this girl isn't helping. I'm reverting back to physical form.

2nd MV: But... we were having so much fun being all mysterious...

1st MV: Well now I'm BORED. *shoots TV*
Dr. Rainy: What is this strange kitten doing to me? *Uses watering can on Caspian*

Me: Well, if you want to wish you were dead, you can keep on watering Caspian.

11: I wouldn't do it if I were you. Wait, I pretty much AM you!

Dr. Rainy: Yeah, I'm a mixture of Rain, you and some random Spanish guy with a sombrero. Let's just say that Rain got bored one day and her imagination just... wandered...

Adam: It seems to do that a lot.

Jack: *Eating cookies* Mmf...


Dr. Rainy: Ooh, I can fix that! *Waters cookie crumbs* *Grows cookie tree*

10: I think I like this guy. Rain, we should keep him!

Me: *Groan*
Dr. Rainy: What is this strange kitten doing to me? *Uses watering can on Caspian*

Me: Well, if you want to wish you were dead, you can keep on watering Caspian.

11: I wouldn't do it if I were you. Wait, I pretty much AM you!

Dr. Rainy: Yeah, I'm a mixture of Rain, you and some random Spanish guy with a sombrero. Let's just say that Rain got bored one day and her imagination just... wandered...

Adam: It seems to do that a lot.

Jack: *Eating cookies* Mmf...


Dr. Rainy: Ooh, I can fix that! *Waters cookie crumbs* *Grows cookie tree*

10: I think I like this guy. Rain, we should keep him!

Me: *Groan*

Me: OH NO!!!!!!!! You ate the extra mod cookies that I couldn't sell when I was selling them as girl scout cookies!!!!!

Mullog: Run, precious!!!!

Me: *Runs away screaming.*
Jack: Wait, what? Who are these people? Where am I? What's going on?

10: *About ready to eat a cookie* *Stops* Uh-oh... *Throws away cookie* *Cries*

11: *Hugs 10* It's okay, buddy, we'll get through this.


Me: *Slaps Jack* Snap out of it! *Slaps 10* SHUT UP!

10: *Sniffle*

Adam: 0.0 I'd hate to get on your bad side.

Dr. Rainy: Oh, it's not so bad. The worst she'd do is tie you up and lock you in the cupboard with the Fuhrer.
Mozart: *Bakes 10 cookies* JUST BE QUIET ALREADY!

Caspian: *snatches watering can from Dr. Rainy and dumps it on him* Ha. Be more evil.

Dorthy: You are actually telling people to be evil, Caspian, think about this...

Caspian: I will train him to be evil and to hate us and then we will have long fun wars.

Frodo: Like in Rainy's favorite movie.

Dorthy: Wait, huh?

Frodo: The one she always quotes when her dragons are fighting. Or the Doctors, or us with the dragons or the Doctors... and Doctors....Megamind.

Dorthy: *facepalm* Weirdos.:rolleyes:

me: These kittens are getting wildly out of paw.

Zuko: Not another quotefest....

me: Just bury me in the garden with the stupid lion.




Dorthy: Oh bugga.:rolleyes:
Me: The curse of the fangirls: We will never stop quoting things.

10: *Eagerly awaiting his cookie* Mmm!

Rainy: Oy, I don't wanna be evil! And that water doesn't do anything unless I'm the one using it. :p *Snatches watering can and fills it with chocolate from Mt. Doom* I think that'll work just fine.

11: It's like I have a twin brother who's just as cool as me... *High fives Rainy*

Rainy: Don't I know it! Only I'm cooler 'cause I have a sombrero... and a mustache. :D

11: But I have a fez. Fezzes are cool.

Rainy: I wear a sombrero now. Sombreros are cool!

Me: Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can I go home now?

Adam: Are you ever going to stop using that quote?

Me: Nope! :D
Caspian: *nods at Rainy* Just keep telling yourself that, darling. *snatches chocolate-filled watering can and pours chocolate on the ground, creating mini chocolate Mt. Dooms*

Flower: *runs in, plowing over Rainyshadow* TINY MT. DOOMS?!? *peers at mini Mt. Dooms* OH! SQUISHY! MY SQUISHY! *strokes tiny chocolate Mt. Dooms* My Preciousssssssss.

Dorthy: O.O Now I'm disturbed on a number of levels.

Zuko: This is crazy.

me: Crazy? THIS. IS. THE ASYLUM! *smacks Zuko with a fish*

Zuko: OW! HEY!

Caspian: *jumps into Dalek suit and starts chasing Zuko* EX-TER-MINATE! *uses Dalek suit to shoot tomatoes at Zuko*


Mozart: *stands on the chocolate Mt. Doom holding a cookie* I will give this to you, 10, if you tell me who this quote is from; "I am going to walk up to that tower, and I am going to touch it." You have 3 guesses, or I will cast this into the fire. *holds cookie over Mt. Doom*

Dorthy: Hey, I just met you, and my sisters' crazy, but here's a banana, so call me maybe?