The OFFICIAL Paperb'nites Thread

Any of the cast. It doesn't matter which member. It'd be flipping sweet regardless.

That's awesome about Skandar. He should re-join us. I saw this quote that he said about Will and it was really sweet.

*runs off to get it*

Here's what he said:

On costar, William Moseley] ''When it's all over I won't miss the bruises he gave me to impress girls, or the occasional scar which will give me a story to tell my grandchildren, but I'll definitely miss the pranks and the laughing and all the making fun of each other. I'll miss the funky advice he gives me about everything -- football, girls, video games, clothes. Most of all, I'll miss having an older brother.''

AWWW! That is sooo sweet! *loves Will very very much*

I read somewhere she's already 5'2"! And I'm 5'3"!!!
WHAT! I don't like that! She's like 13!!! I'm 5'2 1/2.....BUT I round up and say 5'3 lol. It makes me feel better.

I'm 5'6 1/2....I guess I'm the giant of the Paperb'nites :eek:

Yeah. Dude! Wouldn't be soo crazy if they WERE on the forums and we didn't know??

:rolleyes: Well, Elijah Wood is a member of the Official Lord of the Rings Fan Club, so you never know ;)
AWWW! That is sooo sweet! *loves Will very very much*

I'm 5'6 1/2....I guess I'm the giant of the Paperb'nites :eek:

:rolleyes: Well, Elijah Wood is a member of the Official Lord of the Rings Fan Club, so you never know ;)

LOL! They'd obviously never say who they were. But it would still be awesome. From the same website, I found a quote that Will said about Skandar.

''Skandar has girls' disease, which is a, um, mild form of hating all women.'' -- William Moseley

You can see a bunch of quotes at
HI TIFF!!!!! I haven't been here in forever. How ya doin'?

Have a cupcake:
OMG DUDES! I went in to work the other day and before I left my boss was like "Have a cupcake Ash!" and I just started laughing. To me it was hilarious. (I thought of the Paperb'nites)
OMG DUDES! I went in to work the other day and before I left my boss was like "Have a cupcake Ash!" and I just started laughing. To me it was hilarious. (I thought of the Paperb'nites)

lol I know! I see newspaper i think of the PaperB'Nites. I see a bicycle, I think of PaperB'Nites, I see a boy with a red cap backwards I think of the PaperB''Nites. I see SWEETS I think of the PaperB'nites lol
Ohhhh!!! Yeah............

How are you Tiff?

Doing alright. Worked one case from 11-3pm. The girl had been acting out since the previous day so I had to be the bad guy today and put her to work from the moment she got up. After that I went to another case from 3:30-5:30. That one was more fun. We worked on Arts and crafts (we created American flags to pass out at a bowling even we will attend) and watched Hannah Montana lol:rolleyes:

How about you? :D
I babysat my 8 month old cousin today so that my aunt and mom and everyone could get all of my grandparents possessions (that weren't destroyed from the flood).

She wore me out. She wouldn't stop crying. HER FACE WAS TURNING PURPLE! I called my aunt and put her on speaker phone and my aunt sang to her. When she was done my cousin was out like immediately. So I napped while she napped. It was like a 2 and half hour nap lol.