Would you rather...

narnia+north said:
airplane cuz it might not be so high up; hopefully!

Would u rather meet daniel radcliff or william moseley?
daniel radcliff
wud u rather kiss themachinist or sofi
hmmm, I would have to say..... ME! ahahahhahahaha, jk. I'd have to kiss Sofi, I have no other choice :D I've tried kissing myself, it doesn't work

Would you rather laugh, or roll your eyes
Id rather luagh cos its just meeh I make other ppl laugh with my laugh cos i have a funny laugh and i snort ocassionally depending on the hilariousity levels in my blood..lol viscosity..yeah..

would u rather um be green or be um um poka dotted?
TheMachinist said:

Would you rather pondor kissing yourself, or actually try it?
Try it; and I just did. It works. People you need to flex your lip muscles. I can kiss my upper lip with my bottom lip. And vice versa.

Would you rather eat rabbits or carrots?
ohessmegeeeh!!!?!?!??!!? omg..thats like the toughest thing ever..but, quite surprisingly, I dont mean this in any like romantcic way or anything..id have to say you. :eek: You look like you'd have a cleaner mouth. :eek: God help mehh.

Knit or sew?:rolleyes:
Sew. I would be able to sew my own clothes. Knitting is like grandma status.

Would u rather have all diseases known to man kind or loose all of your limbs?
TheMachinist said:
lose my limbs, If I had all the deasies I would be dead

Would you rather make out with a dog or a cat
must stop being like this :rolleyes:

Um....dog if I absolutley HAD to :eek:

Would you rather...eat a cockroach or run through your work or school naked?
titanicfan said:
What? :confused:
bring a pigeon home.
Would you rather Date William or be his friend?

Um..hard one...I would like to be his friend THEN date him

Would you rather

dance on a table infront of your crush OR drink milk mixed with coke (which is VERY tasty) ;)
Queen Swanwhite said:
Um..hard one...I would like to be his friend THEN date him

Would you rather

dance on a table infront of your crush OR drink milk mixed with coke (which is VERY tasty) ;)
um drink milk mixed with coke
Would you rather be friends with Anna or Georgie?
Apple_Of_Life29 said:
georgie.idk.anna too.shes more my age. i fthey could morph...

would you rather be friends with will or skandar?
Will of course ;) lol. Would you rather hang out with the cast from Narnia or Harry Potter?
titanicfan said:
Will of course ;) lol. Would you rather hang out with the cast from Narnia or Harry Potter?

okay rupert grint
skandar keynes

uh.. uh
ieeni meenie mineii mo!!

um narnia first
then hp!

okay who is better georgie, or skandar/ will or anna.
theorangejello said:
okay rupert grint
skandar keynes

uh.. uh
ieeni meenie mineii mo!!

um narnia first
then hp!

okay who is better georgie, or skandar/ will or anna.
georgie or skandar! (I do like georgie, too!)
backpack or messenger bag?