Alignment: Good
Race: Faun
Book Appearances: Prince Caspian
Movie Appearances:


Dumnus is a faun who appears in Prince Caspian as a member of the Old Narnian resistance against the Telmarine usurper, King Miraz. He is one of the many talking creatures and mythical beings who still believe in Aslan and the old ways of Narnia despite the Telmarine occupation.

His role in the story is minor but significant, as he represents the many fauns and other Old Narnians who have been living in hiding since the Telmarines took control of Narnia. Like other Old Narnians, Dumnus answers Caspian’s call to arms, joining the movement to restore Narnia to its rightful ruler.

Although he is not given much characterization in the book, his presence highlights the resilience of Narnia’s original inhabitants, showing that even after years of oppression, there are still those willing to fight for freedom and Aslan’s return.


While Prince Caspian does not explore Dumnus’s personality in depth, we can infer that he shares the courage, loyalty, and strong moral character typical of fauns in Narnia.

  • Brave and Patriotic – He risks his life by joining Caspian’s rebellion, proving that he is willing to fight for Narnia’s future.
  • Faithful to Aslan and the Old Ways – As a faun, he likely grew up with the old stories of Aslan, the Pevensies, and the Golden Age of Narnia. His willingness to fight suggests that he still believes in Aslan’s guidance.
  • Social and Diplomatic – Fauns in Narnia are known to be gentle, artistic, and wise, often serving as mediators or scholars. While Dumnus is not a major political figure, his decision to stand with Caspian suggests that he sees hope in uniting Old and New Narnia.

His name echoes that of Mr. Tumnus, the famous faun from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, possibly suggesting a connection to a larger faun lineage or cultural tradition in Narnia.

Role in the Story

Supporting Caspian’s Rebellion

Dumnus is first mentioned as one of the Old Narnians who remain loyal to Aslan and rally behind Prince Caspian after the young prince is forced to flee Miraz’s court.

Along with creatures like Trufflehunter the Badger, Glenstorm the Centaur, and other Old Narnians, Dumnus represents a new hope for Narnia, showing that not all of the old inhabitants have given up.

He likely plays a role in the early war councils, where the Old Narnians debate how to fight back against Miraz’s armies. As a faun, he would have brought both wisdom and agility to the rebellion.

The Battle Against King Miraz

Dumnus is assumed to have fought in the Battle of Aslan’s How, where Prince Caspian and his allies face off against the Telmarine army. Though his fate is not explicitly detailed, he is presumably among the Old Narnians who survive and witness the return of Aslan, marking the beginning of a new golden age for Narnia under Caspian’s rule.

As Aslan restores peace and brings the Telmarines and Old Narnians together, Dumnus likely becomes part of the new Narnian society, one where talking beasts, fauns, centaurs, and humans can coexist again.

Notable Quotes

Dumnus does not have any direct dialogue in Prince Caspian, but his presence among the Old Narnians suggests he would have shared sentiments of hope and determination, such as:

  • “Narnia was not always like this. We remember the old days.” (Likely expressing the fauns’ nostalgia for the Golden Age.)
  • “Caspian is the king we have been waiting for.” (Fauns and centaurs believed in Caspian’s right to the throne.)

Even though he is a minor character, his role aligns with the broader theme of hope, faith, and the revival of Narnia’s past glory.

Analysis & Symbolism

The Role of Fauns in Narnia

Fauns in The Chronicles of Narnia are often portrayed as intellectual, artistic, and philosophical beings. Mr. Tumnus, the first faun introduced in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, is a gentle figure who represents hospitality and culture.

Dumnus, on the other hand, represents a more militant side of the fauns—one that is willing to fight for Narnia’s freedom. His presence in Prince Caspian suggests that fauns, while peaceful by nature, will stand up for justice when necessary.

A Connection to the Past

Dumnus and the other Old Narnians represent the last remnants of Aslan’s followers, those who held onto their beliefs despite centuries of Telmarine oppression. His decision to join Caspian’s rebellion mirrors the real-world idea of fighting for lost traditions and identity.

Faith vs. Doubt

Dumnus serves as a contrast to the skeptical or bitter Old Narnians, such as Nikabrik, who loses faith in Aslan and seeks power through dark means.

Where Nikabrik turns to evil out of despair, Dumnus remains loyal to the hope of Narnia’s restoration, much like Trufflehunter the Badger. This distinction reinforces C.S. Lewis’s theme of holding onto faith, even when times seem dark.

Legacy in Narnia

Though Dumnus does not play a large role in Prince Caspian, he is part of the larger legacy of Old Narnia, helping to usher in the age of Caspian’s rule and the revival of Narnia’s golden traditions.

His significance lies in the fact that:

  • He is one of the last fauns of Old Narnia, proving that Aslan’s followers never fully disappeared.
  • He represents the bridge between the past and future, standing with Caspian to rebuild Narnia.
  • His involvement in the rebellion symbolizes the persistence of Narnian culture despite centuries of oppression.

After Caspian is crowned, Dumnus likely remains a respected member of Narnian society, helping to integrate the Old Narnians and Telmarines into a new era of unity.


Dumnus is a minor but meaningful character in Prince Caspian, representing the enduring hope of the Old Narnians. As a faun who fights to restore Narnia, he embodies the themes of loyalty, courage, and faith in Aslan’s return.

Though he does not have major speaking lines, his presence reinforces the idea that the spirit of Old Narnia never truly died—it simply waited for the right time to rise again.

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