Aliases: Queen of Narnia
Parents: Ramandu
Spouse: Caspian X
Biography: The daughter of the star called Ramandu, she marries Caspian X. Her name, Liliandil, was created by author C.S. Lewis’ step-son Douglas Gresham for the motion picture The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010). The name is commonly mis-spelled as “Lilliandil.”

Portrayed By

Gabrielle Anwar
Laura Brent


Liliandil, often referred to simply as Ramandu’s Daughter, is a celestial being of mysterious origins who resides on Ramandu’s Island, far beyond the Lone Islands in the Eastern Sea. She is introduced in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as the daughter of Ramandu, a retired star who descends to the island each morning to renew his youth by consuming the fire-berries of the Sun. Liliandil’s exact nature is never fully explained, but like her father, she possesses a celestial, otherworldly essence, suggesting that she may be part-star herself or at least imbued with radiant, divine qualities.

Unlike most Narnians, Liliandil does not originate from Earth or the Telmarine bloodlines; rather, she is a being of light, linked to the heavens above Narnia. She glows with an ethereal blue light, which adds to her mystical aura and distinguishes her from ordinary mortals. When Caspian and the crew of the Dawn Treader encounter her, they are immediately struck by her beauty, serenity, and kindness, qualities that make her both enchanting and regal.

Liliandil’s role in Narnian history is profound, as she eventually marries King Caspian X and becomes Queen of Narnia, giving birth to their son, Prince Rilian. Although she appears only briefly in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, her legacy carries on into The Silver Chair, where her fate plays a crucial role in Narnia’s unfolding events.


Liliandil is a character of grace, gentleness, and wisdom, embodying purity and light. She speaks with an elegant, soothing voice that immediately inspires trust and admiration in those who hear her. Although she is not a warrior or a ruler when first introduced, she displays a quiet strength and a deep sense of duty toward those who visit her father’s island.

One of her defining traits is her selflessness. She greets the weary travelers of the Dawn Treader with warmth and offers guidance without expecting anything in return. She is also highly perceptive and compassionate, sensing the burdens and struggles of others. When she appears before the crew, she reassures them with her presence, easing their fears about the enchanted Table of Aslan.

Despite her celestial origins, Liliandil does not act superior or detached from mortals. Instead, she displays a humble and welcoming nature, treating Caspian and his companions as equals. This humility is further reflected in her later role as Queen of Narnia, where she faithfully serves as both a wife to Caspian and a guiding light for their son, Prince Rilian.

Liliandil is also a symbol of faith and devotion. Her decision to marry Caspian suggests that she willingly embraces a mortal life, choosing love and duty over the mysteries of her celestial heritage. This decision reflects the same themes of sacrifice and service found throughout the Narnia series.

Role in the Story

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Liliandil makes her first and only direct appearance in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader when King Caspian and his crew reach Ramandu’s Island during their eastward journey toward Aslan’s Country. The island itself is a place of peace and mystery, home to Ramandu and his daughter, where Aslan’s Table remains set with food that miraculously replenishes each day.

Upon their arrival, the Dawn Treader’s crew is initially wary of the enchanted Table, believing it might be cursed. However, Liliandil appears as a radiant blue light, floating above them like a star descending from the heavens. As she steps forward, her luminous presence reassures the travelers that the Table is a sacred place blessed by Aslan.

She explains the nature of the Table and reveals the fate of the three lost Narnian lords (Revilian, Argoz, and Mavramorn), who had fallen under a deep enchanted sleep after drawing swords against one another. She informs Caspian and his companions that the only way to awaken them is to sail to the world’s end and leave one member of their party behind. This prophecy sets in motion the final leg of Caspian’s journey, leading to Reepicheep’s noble sacrifice as he sails alone into Aslan’s Country.

During this encounter, Liliandil and Caspian share a moment of unspoken connection. Caspian, deeply moved by her beauty and kindness, asks if she is betrothed. When Ramandu replies that she has no husband, Caspian boldly declares:

“Then I think I shall marry her.”

This marks the beginning of their future together, though it is only implied at this point in the story. As Caspian continues his journey to the end of the world, Liliandil remains on Ramandu’s Island, waiting for the fulfillment of their destiny.

Between Books – Liliandil Becomes Queen of Narnia

After the events of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Caspian returns to Narnia and marries Liliandil, making her Queen of Narnia. Although this event is not described in detail in the books, it is referenced in The Silver Chair.

Liliandil’s reign alongside Caspian is marked by a period of peace and prosperity. Her celestial origins likely make her a beloved and revered figure in Narnian society, much like Aslan’s own appointed rulers. As Queen, she bears Caspian a son, Prince Rilian, who is destined to inherit the throne.

The Silver Chair – Liliandil’s Tragic Fate

By the time of The Silver Chair, Liliandil has passed away under tragic circumstances. The novel reveals that she was killed by a mysterious green serpent, leaving Caspian grief-stricken and their young son, Prince Rilian, motherless.

Liliandil’s death is a pivotal moment in Narnian history, as it sets off a chain of events that lead to Rilian’s downfall. Seeking vengeance for his mother’s death, Rilian sets out to hunt the serpent, only to be enchanted and captured by the Lady of the Green Kirtle, the very same being who took his mother’s life. The Lady uses magic to ensnare Rilian, keeping him captive in the Underland for ten years.

Liliandil’s absence casts a long shadow over the story, as both Caspian and Rilian are left broken by her loss. Her death symbolizes the fragility of peace and happiness, showing that even the purest and noblest figures are not immune to tragedy.

Notable Quotes

Liliandil has very little dialogue in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but one of her most memorable lines is her introduction:

  • “Do not be afraid. This is Aslan’s Table. It is free for any who come in peace.”

This moment captures her gentle, reassuring nature and establishes her as a figure of divine hospitality.

Analysis & Symbolism

Light and Divine Guidance

Liliandil is a clear symbol of light, purity, and divine guidance. Her celestial nature connects her to the stars, reinforcing the theme of Aslan’s divine presence in Narnia. In many ways, she serves as a spiritual beacon, much like a guiding star that leads sailors safely home.

Marrying the Mortal World

By choosing to marry Caspian, Liliandil bridges the celestial and earthly realms. She sacrifices a purely ethereal existence to share in the joys and sorrows of human life. This echoes biblical themes of divine beings entering the mortal world, such as Aslan himself taking on a physical form.

A Tragic Queen

Liliandil’s tragic fate also parallels Arthurian and mythological queens who suffer loss for the sake of their kingdom. Her story, though brief, leaves a profound impact on Narnian history, reminding readers that even the most luminous figures can be touched by darkness.

Legacy in Narnia

Though Liliandil’s time in the narrative is brief, her influence lasts far beyond her appearances. She is remembered as a beloved queen, a devoted wife to Caspian, and a loving mother to Prince Rilian.

Her death serves as a reminder that even in a world touched by Aslan’s grace, suffering and loss are part of life. However, through the eventual rescue of Rilian and the restoration of peace, Liliandil’s legacy is honored.

In Narnian history, she remains a symbol of beauty, wisdom, and celestial grace, forever shining like a star over the kingdom she briefly ruled.

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